Choline crisis in the UK?

This was the title of a report in the British Medical Journal (1), pointing out that choline is an essential nutrient, much like omega-3 fats, that is vital for health and especially the brain, but not sufficiently supplied in many people’s diets, and especially those who are largely vegan.

While the body can make a little, it does not make enough and thus choline is being reclassified as an essential nutrient with an adequate intake defined as between 400mg and 520mg a day, the latter for pregnant and breast-feeding women. But these levels don’t relate to brain function. They relate to the EFSA allowed claims of “choline is needed for lipids metabolism”, “maintaining healthy liver functioning” and “reduction in homocysteine levels”. You need choline to do the right thing with cholesterol in the liver. 

But even more important is choline’s role in building and maintaining a healthy brain. A pregnant woman’s intake defines the cognitive abilities of their child. Twenty years ago we knew that pregnant rats fed choline half way through their pregnancy have more connections between brain cells, plus improved learning ability and better memory recall. Now we know it’s true for babies. In fact, a lack of choline can lead to a shrinking of a woman’s brain as the foetus robs their brain to build its own – a case of ‘Mummy I shrank your brain’. Babies are born with blood choline levels three times higher than their mother, illustrating how vital this nutrient is for building neuronal connections, which newborn babies do at a rate of up to a million new connections a second! An optimal intake for brain function is likely to be a lot higher than the 400mg recommended for adults.

Brain cells are made of a membrane containing choline (and other phospholipids) attached to the omega-3 fat DHA. Without choline the omega-3 doesn’t work. The attaching of the two depends on methylation, a process that is dependent on B vitamins, especially B12, folate and B6. Choline helps methylation and healthy methylation, indicated by low homocysteine, helps synthesize choline.

The reason the BMJ says ‘crisis’ is that more people are eating a plant-based diet and shunning eggs, fish and meat, which are the best sources of, not only choline, but also B12. There’s a tiny bit of choline in broccoli and in nuts, but not enough. An egg provides around 120mg, a 50g beef or salmon steak around 50mg. The same amount of almonds or broccoli is about 25mg. Cow’s milk has a little, but a fraction of that found in human milk. Beef liver is the richest source.

Twenty years ago I found the evidence sufficiently compelling to recommend eating an egg a day, three servings of fish and one of meat (or another portion of fish) a week, a handful of nuts, plus daily supplementation of circa 100mg, which is what I do in my ‘brain food’ formula. If you also ate a serving of broccoli a day, you’d be achieving something like 2,100mg a week, or 300mg a day – still short of daily requirements.

If you don’t eat eggs, fish or meat and don’t supplement there’s no way of getting even close. That’s why it’s time to add choline, along with omega-3 DHA and B12, to the list of nutrients that must be supplemented by those eating a vegan diet. Lecithin granules and capsules are the richest vegan source of choline, derived from soya. It will not work in building the brain, without a source of DHA which can be derived, in supplements, from algae or seaweed. 

If you want more strategies on what to eat and do to support ad upgrade your brain make sure you complete the Cognitive Function Test below to get your plan of action for improving your brain over the next 6 months.
Test Your Cognitive Function Now green banner.


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How to become a Citizen Scientist

Citizen Science is the way to end Alzheimer’s and put health back into healthcare!

Did you ever get the sense that healthcare as we know it is broken and you’re unlikely to get the help you need when you need it? Many people and organisations are working towards creating a new healthcare system that works and is based on what’s really driving disease.

How can you get involved? The first step is to become a Citizen Scientist. What this means is that, by completing our Cognitive Function test, then making the changes you can, you are helping us, along with thousands of others, to research, publish and educate what really works to prevent Alzheimer’s.

You can take one of our at-home blood tests here, and if you do this, tracking your biological progress annually further helps us.

Either joining as a FRIEND or as a COGNITION user, which makes you a FRIEND, you are then part of a group of like-minded people committed to educating yourself and taking charge of your own health – with our guidance and support.

Become a Champion for Mental Health with the Citizen Scientist Action Pack

Take your involvement to the next level with our Citizen Scientist Action Pack, now available as a £15 donation here. This essential toolkit empowers you to spread the word about the vital work of Food for the Brain far and wide.

Each pack includes 100 bookmarks and 4 exclusive badges, ideal for sharing at events, with friends, family, or your local community. By distributing these materials, you’ll help raise awareness of the critical connection between optimum nutrition and mental health, inspiring others to take control of their cognitive well-being.

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the mental health of individuals worldwide. Who wouldn’t want to be part of this transformative journey?

I’m meeting thousands of GPs, doctors and health practitioners, talking first at the Public Health Collaboration conference in Sheffield on May 19/20, then the World Council of Health ‘Better Way’ conference on June 2nd and then at the Integrated and Personalised Medicine 3 day congress in London on June 30th. The World Council of health was set up as a direct alternative to the World Health Organisation which has been taken over by private and commercial interests. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation alone is responsible for over 88 per cent of private funding.

My goal is to enrol as many GPs, doctors and practitioners in getting their patients to do the on-line Cognitive Function Test , which then motivates people to make the necessary changes to eliminate their future risk of dementia. We are hoping to end 2024 with over half a million people involved as Citizen Scientists, which means we’ll have more research data on what really works for dementia prevention than the UK Biobank.

If you haven’t already done the test please, not only do it here , but encourage everyone you know over 40 to do the test.

Check out these conferences here:

How to become a Citizen Scientist:

  • Complete the Cognitive Function Test yearly
  • Tell all your friends, especially those over 50, to do the same
  • Follow as much health advice as you can to enable tracking what happens to health-conscious people
  • Become a FRIEND of Food for the Brain to support this kind of research, outreach and education.
  • Order your Citizen Scientist Action Pack, now available as a £15 donation

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