Autism Reversed – A Case Study

By Simon Martin – this article was originally shared by IHCAN – shared and edited with permission. 

As we start to develop our Smart Kids & Teens COGNITION Programme this story is worth sharing as it highlights the importance of environmental and nutritional factors on our children’s brain optimisation and in helping them reach their full potential. 

Autism: “reversed” in twins with personalised nutrition, supplements and therapeutic approaches

It’s “kind of a miracle”, says one of the paediatricians consulted in a newly-published case study, as twin girls recover – one, so completely it’s as if she never had autism. 

Research charity Documenting Hope, has published a case study detailing the reversal of severe Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms in fraternal female twin toddlers.

Diagnosed at 20 months with severe (Level 3) ASD and requiring substantial support, the twins exhibited limited communication, repetitive behaviours, and significant gastrointestinal issues. Realising that conventional approaches were unlikely to help, the parents assembled an intervention focusing on environmental and lifestyle factors. 

In a paper published in the journal Personalised Medicine by a multi-disciplinary team, Dr Chris D’Adamo PhD, (who will be speaking at our Smart Kids & Teens Event in 2025) the charity’s Scientific Director and Principal Investigator and Director of the Centre for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and his colleagues reported the following stunning results: 

“Both twins showed dramatic improvements on the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) . The ATEC measures the effectiveness of autism treatment by assessing  communication, social skills, sensory awareness and more. Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) scores dropped from 76 to 32 and 43 to 4 (scores below 43 indicate neurotypical), respectively, with stability over six months. The progress of Twin P, whose score dropped to 4 from March 2022 to October 2023, was described as “a kind of miracle” by one of the paediatricians. Dr D’Adamo told the Telegraph, “This twin’s functions are comparable to those who have never had an autism diagnosis”.  

Twin L, who had more severe autism at 20 months, scoring 76 initially, reduced this to 32 a year and a half later. D’Adamo said she “improved dramatically, but not quite as much”.

They also highlighted “the clear environmental and lifestyle influences on ASD that these findings help establish, building upon previous studies revealing the comparatively greater impact of these types of factors than genetics”.

D’Adamo and colleagues do not use the word “cure” in their report, but say the symptoms are unlikely to come back; “Because autism is a developmental condition, one can safely say that once they have overcome the developmental aspects of autism and returned to a typical developmental trajectory, they are very unlikely to exhibit the common symptoms of autism again. Symptoms that could return might be more along the lines of things like anxiety, gastrointestinal issues and sensory issues, but not necessarily the behavioural aspects of autism”.

The team from the University of Maryland and Hope concluded: 

“This case revealed a reversal of the Level 3 Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses among toddler twin girls that was achieved primarily through environmental and lifestyle modifications over a two-year period. The twins’ dramatic improvements and diagnosis reversal have persisted for over six months with no signs of regression”.

“What’s more”, says Documenting Hope, “we have learned from the parents that the twins’ ATEC scores have continued to drop below those that were originally published in this paper. This is very exciting news for this family and for the promise of symptom reversal in autism as a viable clinical outcome”.

This is not the first report of a reversal/cure of autism, but certainly the first case where researchers have documented treatment initiated and led by parents. The published paper includes a review of the literature, in which D’Adamo and colleagues detail the many “alternative” approaches that have succeeded, but have been ignored by orthodox medicine, even when published, possibly due to lack of blinding, which is challenging for such interventions. Additionally, they say, a degree of expectation bias is possible and more studies are needed for conclusive results regarding any such interventions, particularly in light of both the diversity of possible causes of ASD and the presentation of symptoms.

The nutritional, supplements & therapeutic approaches

Citing almost 50 previous studies, the Hope team write: “There are limited FDA-approved pharmacological options at present to treat ASD. Accordingly, there have been a number of non-pharmacological interventions tailored to address the underlying environmental and lifestyle risk factors that have demonstrated promising, though not conclusive, improvements in ASD symptoms. 

These include: 

  • Dietary interventions such as gluten and casein-free, GAPS (Gut & Psychology / Physiology Syndrome), a specific carbohydrate diet, low glutamate and ketogenic.
  • Targeted or personalised dietary supplements such as vitamin D, methylfolate, carnitine, vitamin B12 and other micronutrient supplementation, mitochondrial support, or supplements thought to be relevant to a child’s functional genomic situation. 
  • Addressing other modifiable lifestyle factors and environmental interventions, such as more time in nature, a reduction in exposure to artificial light, and improving indoor air quality, have demonstrated promise.
  • Therapeutic interventions addressing a child’s physical structure and function, such as cranial osteopathy, retained reflex integration, physical therapy, and occupational therapy, have also been associated with improved outcomes among ASD patients.

“While reversal of ASD diagnosis is relatively rare, there have been documented cases in the literature of complete recovery with a multi-modal intervention. One such case achieved reversal of ASD diagnosis through a combination of dietary modifications, probiotics and micronutrient supplementation, and antimicrobials that were personalised to the child’s risk factors, clinical presentation and a variety of laboratory tests”.

The approaches taken for this intervention

The parents gathered support and resources from many places.  They worked with an autism parenting coach, utilising the Child Health Inventory for Resilience and Prevention (CHIRP) survey of the Documenting Hope Project, in addition to resources at Epidemic Answers. They also used Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA, which is typically recommended for new ASD diagnoses –  find out more here) and speech therapy with the twins.  Additionally, the twins’ parents implemented a rigorous diet and nutrition intervention around the time of diagnosis.

First to go was glutamate – aka MSG – following the principles of the Reduced Excitatory Inflammatory Diet (REID – references can be found here ) developed by PhD biochemist Dr Katherine Reid. Dr Reid is a mother of a daughter “no longer considered on the autism spectrum, which is managed 100% through diet”.

Dr Reid is also the author of Fat, Stressed, and Sick: MSG, Processed Food, and America’s Health. She says: “The Reduced Excitatory Inflammatory Diet (REID) is a food lifestyle focused on reducing excitatory and inhibitory signalling imbalances (ie improving neurotransmitter balance) and reducing inflammation through a balanced whole food approach. Some of the most prevalent excitatory and inflammatory foods are gluten, casein (a class of proteins found in dairy), soy, corn (to a lesser extent) and ready-to-eat or commercially processed foods with various food additives, particularly those containing free glutamate and aspartate. These foods can be problematic because of their high concentration of unbound/free glutamate (glutamic acid). Unbound or free glutamate (aka MSG) is most commonly found in processed foods as a food additive or created as a by-product of commercial food manufacturing processes”. The book is available in our Food for the Brain bookstore: here.

The parents put the girls on a strictly gluten-free, casein-free diet that was low in sugar and had no exposure to artificial colours, dyes, or ultra-processed foods. They emphasised organic, unprocessed, freshly prepared, and home-cooked food from local sources when possible.

The twins took a number of dietary supplements, including omega-3 fatty acids, a multivitamin, vitamin D, carnitine and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, plus individualised homoeopathic remedies. They also used lab tests and genomic information to select nutritional supplements based on the twins’ DNA.

There were some common findings, such as impaired serotonin metabolism and a recommendation that the girls be fed a diet rich in tryptophan to upregulate serotonin production, as well as consume foods rich in vitamins B12, B6 and folate. Both twins had several genetic variants associated with a higher risk of systemic inflammation.

The mother was advised to feed the children foods that are high in betaine and choline, as well as to supplement with Lion’s mane and resolvins (found in fatty fish). However, each girl also had unique needs. P had variants that suggested an increased need for vitamin D. L had several variants associated with neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and compromised detoxification. Advice was provided to support glutathione production.

Both girls had the most sessions of any intervention with an occupational therapist who focused on the specialised technique of neuro-sensory motor reflex integration developed by Dr Svetlana Masgutova, PhD.

Eventually the parents’ research led them to check their home for air quality, mould and moisture. 

In October of 2022, they brought in a Building Biology Environmental Consultant. The consultant tested the home’s indoor air quality, evaluated possible signs of moisture intrusion, and identified other potential sources of toxicants. Air tests for mould were reported to be “very clean”. However, thermal imaging and moisture metre readings suggested the family was encouraged to further evaluate several areas of the home, which suggested water damage. A window in the twins’ bedroom was one area needing more evaluation.

Both girls were seen by a cranial osteopath. The family decided to pursue osteopathic care for L and not for P. L visited an osteopath at regular intervals in 2023 and saw notable benefits.


Twin L’s ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist) scores improved dramatically, from 76 in March 2022 to 32 in October 2023, and then remained relatively stable at 34 in March 2024. Twin P’s ATEC scores also improved dramatically, from 43 in March 2022 to 4 in October 2023, remaining stable at 4 in March 2024.

“In addition to the twins’ improved ATEC scores, numerous other behavioural and social improvements were noted after the implementation of the interventions”, the paper reports. Both L and P’s eye contact, language, and attention had all improved noticeably by autumn 2022. “This was accompanied by participation in a toddler play group three days per week and ultimately attending pre-school three days per week in Fall 2023. 

Conclusions & future progress

The University of Maryland team give full credit to the parents’ commitment and drive in achieving these results for their twins. They also acknowledge that this level of complex and sustained treatment may be impossible for many families to take on.

“For instance, the cost of the healthy lifestyle modifications and out-of-pocket costs of care of the numerous practitioners and laboratory assessments in this case would be financially prohibitive to many families. Access to healthy foods and the types of practitioners contributing to this therapeutic approach may also be limited for many families”.

However, they conclude: “It has become increasingly clear that ASD treatment is not one-size-fits-all, and that personalised, multi-modality treatment approaches to help address the total load of stressors are likely required to achieve optimal outcomes”.

This is why we are developing our Smart Kids & Teens Programme.

Every child deserves to reach their own full potential, without environmental or nutritional factors holding them back.

We need funding to make this happen. This case study and article highlights the expense that the twin’s parents went to, in order to ensure their children were able to reach their healthiest, optimal potential. We aim to create something to help parents that is a fraction of the cost.

The children are our future and we want to optimise their brains and ensure they live healthy happy lives – will you donate and help us?

Other resources:
  • Save 25% off ICHAN magazine if you head here
  • Want to read more about Autism? Read our ‘Is Autism Genetic?’ article here

Further info

Lecanemab – Worst Cost-Benefit Ratio in History?

By Patrick Holford

In terms of a cost-benefit ratio, Lecanemab has to be one of the worst in history.

Reported in the media this week as a ‘breakthrough Alzheimer’s medication’ – is this really the case?

On the benefit side those in the drug company’s own trial got statistically slightly less worse after 18 months of treatment versus placebo. No-one got better. The scale of improvement was not enough to be clinically significant and “does not necessarily reflect a meaningful improvement for patients or their families” according to the British Medical Journal editorial [1]. Given that almost all drug company’s own trial perform better than independent research this is likely to be an over-estimate of benefit not an under-estimate. At best it means delaying the progress of the disease by a few months.

The worst cost is that a quarter of those on the drug got either brain swelling or bleeding.
Three participants in the trial died as a consequence. Also there was accelerated brain shrinkage compared to placebo. Due to these horrendous risks patients getting the twice monthly IV infusions will need to have brain scans to check for brain bleeding and swelling.

The drug itself will cost about £25,000 a year but, with the medical costs, it may actually cost the patients or the NHS as much as double this. That is why the NHS’s watchdog NICE have rejected it “Lecanemab provides on average four to six months’ slowing in the rate of progression from mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, but this is just not enough benefit to justify the additional cost to the NHS,” said Helen Knight, director of medicines evaluation at NICE. The Telegraph have stated that an inside source says other anti-amyloid drug treatments would be similarly blocked for NHS use due to bad cost benefit ratio.

The biggest problem…

The biggest lie reported in the papers is that ‘this is the first treatment that has been found to curb the condition’, says the Mail and ‘the first drug to slow down Alzheimer’s”, says the Telegraph.

It isn’t.

Inexpensive and safe B vitamins given to those with raised homocysteine (about half of all over age 65) have produced far greater clinical improvements to those with pre-dementia. In fact, a third had no clinical dementia rating at the end of the year – in other words were no longer diagnosable with dementia.

Similarly encouraging benefits have been shown when omega-3 fish oil supplements have been given to those with already low homocysteine (due to insufficient levels of B vitamins) – up to three times that of Lecanemab.[2] In addition, the omega-3 and B vitamin combo reported up to 73% less brain shrinkage, not more shrinkage reported with this drug. This gold-standard evidence, from studies at the University of Oxford by Professor of Pharmacology David Smith, is simply being ignored.

The choice: safe supplementation or risk of brain bleed…

So, that’s the choice for dementia sufferers.

Safe supplements that might cost you £100 a year, reduce the rate of brain shrinkage and deliver clear clinical improvements. Or Lecanemab, that carries a small risk of death, a considerable risk of brain swelling or bleeding, has not shown improvement in a single patient, but is likely to deliver a small, clinically meaningless slowing down of worsening symptoms. NICE has not approved it for the NHS because it costs £50,000 a year and as it only slows down dementia progression by a couple of months (as reported by the BBC).

The caveat for the drug is that the risks for those with the ApoE4 gene variant – about a quarter of people are deemed too high. The caveat for the B vitamins is that those with normal homocysteine levels (below 10 mcmol/l), which is less than half those over 65, may not benefit from the B vitamin treatment. Homocysteine is a simple test any GP can do. Similarly, omega-3 fish oils may not benefit those with an omega-3 index above 8% (and highly likely to benefit those with an omega-3 index of 4% or less.)

That is why we recommend those wishing to prevent dementia test both omega-3 index and homocysteine and why we offer accurate, at-home test kits to help you reclaim your brain. When you support our charity by buying a test kit you become one of our Citizen Scientists and take part in our essential prevention-focused research and includes a free online Cognitive Function Test and the COGNITION questionnaire which calculates your future Dementia Risk Index, then advising you how to lower it.

[1] BMJ 2022;379:o3010

Further info

Drugs Won’t Prevent Dementia

by Patrick Holford

Drugs won’t prevent dementia.

Last week’s Lancet Commission on dementia prevention is facing mounting criticism, for favouring targets for drugs including lowering cholesterol and amyloid and completely ignoring quick and easy wins such as supplementing omega-3, homocysteine lowering B vitamins and reducing sugar intake. A very recent report from Cambridge University scientists says that the benefits of new anti-amyloid treatments may be outweighed by the costs and risk of side-effects such as shrinking brain matter.

US National Institutes of Ageing researcher Dr Madhav Thambisetty warned that trial participants lost up to three teaspoons of brain volume. ‘It is far from clear these drugs can ever significantly reduce dementia morbidity at scale’ report the scientists in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia and reported in the Telegraph this week.

The Lancet Commission completely ignored, for the third time since 2017, the indisputable evidence that inexpensive B vitamins, given to those with raised homocysteine (half the older population) reduced brain shrinkage in a year by up to 73%, the highest effect being in those with sufficient omega-3 DHA, as well as the substantial evidence in favour of omega-3.

Our scientists in the Alzheimer’s Prevention Expert Group are actively preparing response letters to the Lancet – and once done, we will give a full report. Against this backdrop of minuscule effect that ‘is so small it would not be recognisable by doctor or patient’ and the need for specialist brain scans with each injection due to one in four getting brain bleeding or swelling we see press-mongering dressing up drugs as prevention; press reports ‘big up’ these unethical drug approaches, as yet unlicensed in the UK, in the guise of prevention – ‘UK needs Covid-style push on dementia drugs’  reports the guardian.

Prevention does not mean drugs, it means tackling the root causes of cognitive decline and brain shrinkage, which is what we are doing at Food for the Brain through our FREE Cognitive Function Test.

“We sent them the indisputable evidence and they ignored it.” Here’s how the Lancet Commission halved the true impact of dementia prevention, says our Founder, Patrick Holford.

Further info