Psychotic disorders

We offer a nutritional approach that works well alongside conventional treatment and may
improve symptoms. There may also be reductions in the side effects of medication. In some
cases, the improvements in symptoms are so great that the patient’s doctor may take the
decision to cut down or discontinue medication. We will communicate with your GP or
psychiatrist, who remain responsible for your healthcare, and discuss whether nutritional
therapy is an appropriate approach.

As well as the positive impact nutritional changes may have on your mental health
symptoms, you may also see an improvement in other factors such as better sleep,
improved concentration levels, and achieving a healthier weight.

Did you know: The conventional treatment for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
is usually long-term antipsychotic medication. While this can be quite effective for the
positive symptoms (such as voices, hallucinations and delusions), there is often little
improvement in negative symptoms (such as concentration, motivation and enjoyment of
life) meaning that the sufferer may have a poor quality of life. Additionally, side effects of
medication can be considerable in some cases, and the newer antipsychotics (known as
atypical) can cause weight gain and increase the risk for diabetes and metabolic syndrome.