Vitamins, Minerals & Mood (2007)

This study investigated vitamins, minerals & mood. 225 hospitalised acutely ill elderly people were either given a normal hospital diet plus multivitamin and mineral supplements (providing 100 per cent of the Reference Nutrient Intakes for a healthy older person for vitamins and minerals), or a normal hospital diet plus a placebo for six weeks. Measures of mood and mental agility were taken at the start, at six weeks and six months later. There were significant differences in symptoms of depression scores in the supplement group compared with the placebo group at 6 months. This effect was seen in all patient groups including those with no symptoms of depression, mild depression and those with severe depression.

Click here for the abstract

Gariballa S and Forster S, ‘Effects of dietary supplements on depressive symptoms in older patients: A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial.’  Clin Nutr. 2007 Jul 25