HbA1c FAQs

What is HbA1c?

HbA1c stands for Hemoglobin A1c, which is a specific type of protein that glucose becomes attached to. Glucose is a simple sugar that is absorbed into the bloodstream when your body breaks down carbohydrate foods. When glucose is absorbed, some of it becomes attached to the hemoglobin A1c protein and, over time, the more glucose that is circulating in the blood stream, the more glucose becomes attached to the hemoglobin A1c protein. HbA1c is expressed as a percentage because it is the percent of hemoglobin A1c protein that has glucose attached, so if your HbA1c is 5.5% (36.6 mmol/mol), that means that 5.5% of the hemoglobin A1c proteins have glucose attached to them.

Where does blood sugar (glucose) come from?

The main source of sugar in your blood comes directly from the foods you eat. Some examples of these types of foods include rice, potatoes, pasta and bread, as well as sugary foods such as cookies, cakes, and pastries. When glucose enters the bloodstream after you eat carbohydrates, it goes through the pancreas. The pancreas secretes insulin when you consume carbohydrates and sends excess glucose to the liver as glycogen. The pancreases also produces glucagon, which actually raises blood sugar when necessary. You need both glycogen and glucagon to keep blood sugar levels balanced.

What happens when blood sugar (glucose) levels are too high?

Glucose is the primary sugar found in your blood. It is also your body’s main source of energy. However, when there is too much in your blood over a period of time it can damage blood vessels, tissues and organs and potentially lead to serious health issues like diabetes, heart disease and cognitive disorders, as well as vision and nerve problems.

Some signs of high blood sugar include frequent urination, increased hunger and thirst, fatigue, blurred vision, tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, and unexplained weight loss. If you are experiencing any of these, you should immediately consult a health care provider.

What happens when blood sugar (glucose) levels are too low?

Low blood sugar, also called hypoglycemia, is an issue faced most often by diabetics who have taken too much insulin, causing their blood sugar level to drop. This typically requires quick treatment with sugary drinks like orange juice or honey or candy. In severe cases, someone will require a shot of glucagon to bring the level back up. Some of the signs of low blood sugar are an irregular or fast heartbeat, fatigue, sweating, irritability, and tingling or numbness on the lips, tongue and cheeks. In severe cases, hypoglycemia can also cause confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures and blurred vision. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a health care provider.

Do I need to fast for a HbA1c test?

You do not need to fast for the HbA1c test. Unlike other glucose tests, your HbA1c number reflects glucose levels over time, not a quick, one-time snapshot of a current glucose level.

Why HbA1c vs. a fasting glucose test?

A fasting glucose test will give you a great snapshot of your current glucose level. However, fasting glucose can also be affected acutely by a lot of different factors that don’t necessarily reflect your overall glucose metabolism. On the other hand, HbA1c offers you a window into your glucose levels over a longer period (~3 months).

Is the HbA1c Test NGSP-Certified?

The HbA1c method (reagents/kit) that we purchase from the manufacturer is NGSP-certified. This means our test’s reference values are compatible with NGSP reference values.

NGSP stands for National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP), which was implemented to enable laboratories to report DCCT/UKPDS-traceable GHb/HbA1c results.

How often should you take an HbA1c test?

HbA1c should be tested every 2-3 months if you are making diet and lifestyle changes.

Can HbA1c be too low?

While it is possible for your HbA1c to be too low, it is very rare. HbA1c under 4.0% (20.2 mmol/mol) is considered extremely low and is associated with a significant increase in all-cause mortality. Although it is not well understood why a low HbA1c is associated with an increase in all-cause mortality, it is likely because individuals with other conditions such as iron-deficiency anemia, liver diseases/disorders, or inflammatory conditions have lower circulating glucose or lower hemoglobin levels that can affect their HbA1c. If your HbA1c is extremely low, you need to speak with a health care provider to discuss your results.

Who should get their HbA1c tested?

Anyone can benefit from better understanding their health, specifically their glucose metabolism.

I thought only diabetics needed to check their HbA1c. Is that true?

While it is important for diabetics to monitor and manage their HbA1c, anyone can benefit from checking their levels. Being proactive can help you identify areas of your health/lifestyle that may need adjusting. Or if you’ve recently made a change, checking to see if that change is having the desired metabolic effect. Elevated blood glucose is very common and can escalate quickly, so monitoring your HbA1c regularly can help you get a head of any problems down the road.

I’m active, at a healthy weight, and exercise regularly. Do I need to check my HbA1c?

Absolutely. There are so many factors that can affect blood glucose, including stress, sleep, and genetics. Checking your HbA1c can help you determine if your lifestyle is, in fact, supporting a healthy blood sugar level. And if not, you can re-check in 2-3 months when you adjust in your diet or activity.

I don’t eat a lot of desserts or sugary foods. Why should I bother checking my blood sugar?

The term “blood sugar” can be confusing as it implies that only sugary, dessert-type foods will increase blood glucose. Any carbohydrate, even healthy ones such as whole grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits can be broken down into glucose as well. Your body also can produce its own glucose in the liver when it is stressed or deprived of glucose in your diet, so checking your HbA1c can give you an idea of how well your body is regulating glucose and if you might need to make any changes.

I’m on a low carb diet. Do I still need to test my HbA1c?

It is a common misconception that people on a low-carb diet will always have low blood sugar. Although you won’t be taking in much glucose, your body can and will produce it on its own in your liver through a process called gluconeogenesis. In fact, depriving your body of exogenous carbohydrates (via food) can result in an increase in cortisol production, which then triggers the process of gluconeogenesis in your liver. Your liver will produce glucose to feed your organs, specifically your brain, because you are not taking in enough carbohydrates via your diet. So, while decreasing carbohydrates can be an effective way to manage high blood sugar, going too low in carbohydrates can lead to the opposite effect. Therefore, measuring your HbA1c while making any dietary changes is still very important.