Meet the Citizen Science Research Team

Our Research Team is committed to using your anonymised data to find out what’s really driving, and preventing cognitive decline and mental health issues across all ages. We then use the fruits of this research to improve our educational offerings and share our findings with you and your family to help you stay healthy and happy.

This research is supported entirely by your donations as a FRIEND of Food for the Brain and donations from other individuals, organisations and trusts. Go here to become a FRIEND or make a DONATION. Having regular blood tests and retaking the Cognitive Function Test every six months helps tremendously, makes you a Citizen Scientist and a vital part of our team, adding to the vital data in our COGNITION Biobank.

Principal Investigator is Assistant Professor Tommy Wood is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is also head of active lifestyle research for the charity.  Dr Wood oversees all research undertaken by Food for the Brain.

Statistician is Simona Brucoli. She is a statistician and data analyst and has more than ten years of experience in in data analytics and forecasting and is also a nutritional therapist. Other medical statisticians are involved in specific research studies undertaken by Food for the Brain.

Research Assistant manager is Catherine Verner. Catherine has an MSc in Dementia Studies and a wealth of experience in the dementia support community, apps, research and management.

Database designer and managers are Steff C and Vicken Jabourian, an expert in data management and extraction from REDCap.

Clinical and medical data advisor is Dr David Jehring of where he champions the seamless sharing of health data building on the foundation of his pioneering work as an NHS doctor in creating a primary care data analytics platform which contributed to major national research programs like the national diabetic audit. Dr. Jehring is equally dedicated to public health as the Chair of Trustees for the Public Health Collaboration, focusing on metabolic health through lifestyle and ecological medicine. Dr. Jehring’s career is distinguished by his drive to innovate in healthcare technology, educate in public health, and foster sustainable practices for community well-being.’

Head of cognitive testing is Dr Celeste de Jager Loots. She has a PhD in Medicine and a background in biomedical research, neuropsychology and management with an international reputation in the field of ageing, cognition and Alzheimer’s disease with particular expertise in neuropsychological assessment of older people and the development & validation of cognitive tests including our Cognitive Function Test.

Head of omega-3 research is Dr Simon Dyall. He leads the Clinical Neuroscience programme at the University of Roehampton, London and is Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in the Centre for Neuroscience, Surgery and Trauma, Queen Mary University of London. In addition to twice being elected to the Board of Directors of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids, he is Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the U.K. Association for Milk Banks, acts as scientific advisor to charities and industry, and is on the Editorial Board of the journal, Lipids in Health and Disease.

Head of B vitamin and homocysteine research is Dr Andrew McCaddon. He is a retired General Practitioner and currently Visiting Professor at Wrexham University. He has a research interest in B-vitamins and was the first to identify a link between homocysteine and Alzheimer’s Disease in 1998.

Glycation research advisor is Dr Robert Lustig. He is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, and Member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California, San Francisco. He is a neuroendocrinologist, and an international authority on obesity, diabetes, nutrition, and neuroscience.

Head of microbiome, polyphenol and antioxidant research is Associate Professor David Vauzour at Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia, UK. His research interests concern novel dietary strategies to delay brain ageing and cognitive decline and involves the fields of oxidative stress, free radical biochemistry, neurodegeneration and the health effects of dietary polyphenols, as well as the role and impact of the microbiota and the microbiome-gut-brain axis on cognitive ageing and dementia.

Head of vitamin D research is Dr William Grant. He is director of the Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center” in San Francisco focussing on  the roles of  UVB and  vitamin D in reducing risk of chronic and infectious diseases.