Test Your Cognitive Function | Food for the Brain

Memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s, which accounts for two-thirds of dementia, are not conditions you suddenly get, like an infection.
They are not the natural consequence of ageing nor are they genetic.
Only 1% of Alzheimer’s are caused by genes.
It is possible to identify your risk factors – most of which are under your control – and show you how to protect your brain function.
The sooner you start the better, because the most subtle cognitive decline can start 40 years before a diagnosis – but it is never too late.
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An older woman concentrates on her laptop before her on the desk.
>>> Our COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS TEST is the first-ever free, validated, digital version of what gets measured in memory clinics.
>>> It takes 15 minutes to complete and must be done without interruptions and on a screen no smaller than a tablet or computer – not a phone. Mobile phone screens are too small and some features may not work properly.
>>> There are also a few simple questions to answer to help us assess your future ‘dementia risk Index’ and advise you on key steps to dementia-proof your diet and lifestyle.

“Nine out of ten (88%) find the test useful…”EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY (SEPTEMBER, 2021)

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What you’ll learn:
  • Find out where you are on the cognitive function scale
  • Take control of your mental wellbeing
  • Learn the most important dietary and lifestyle actions you can take
  • Contribute to the Food for the Brain research process

Why not become one of these people yourself and learn how to optimise your brain function and memory to reduce your risk of losing it later in life.

Don’t wait until it is too late.

How it works?
  1. The first step, before taking the test is to ‘register’. We need your email to send you your results, and to remind you annually to retake the test. Your progress becomes part of the hundreds of thousands of people taking the test to enable us to research what really helps prevent dementia.
  2. Then you select a password, which can be your name or email, to give you access to your results and personal DASHBOARD as they change over time. Your data is strictly confidential to you and ‘anonymised’ for our research purposes.

“My memory is better, having gone from that of a goldfish to people complimenting me on my great memory. I’m no longer worried that I’m losing my mental abilities. Doing the test annually has given me confidence that ageing and Alzheimer’s are not to be feared and has played a significant role in reinforcing the lifestyle changes I’ve made.”
Diana, age 70

If anything is still unclear please check our FAQs here.

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‘In 2017 I was alarmed to have a low cognitive function score on the Cognitive Function Test. I took a homocysteine test which was high at 13 despite a healthy ‘ish diet. I then commenced the appropriate B vitamins and zinc, ate mostly an organic, vegetarian / pescatarian diet, lowered alcohol, more exercise.
And my next homocysteine 6 months later was 6!!
My Food for the Brain Cognitive Function test score the following year was back to normal. I noticed I was clear thinking, less stressed, sleeping better, feeling better all around.