This week CNN ran a story about a dementia prevention clinic in the US, run by neurologist Professor Richard Isaacson, who used our Cognitive Function Test in his prevention study at Cornell University.

The basic concept, much like what Food for the Brain is doing online, is that people get screened with blood tests, complete a cognitive function test and are assessed for diet and lifestyle factors that increase future risk. The article highlights nutrition, insulin resistance, genetic, behavioural and lifestyle risk factors along with the ability to track your progress with new ‘experimental blood tests’.

What’s the difference between this and what Food for the Brain is offering? 

This screening would set you back at least $2000 compared to Food for the Brain’s, with the DRIfT blood test, costing closer to £200.

Brain Blood Tests that Predict Risk

In Alzheimer’s there are increases in Amyloid and p-tau. That’s not in dispute. Despite all the hype, the anti-amyloid drugs such as Lecanemab, featured in last week’s Panorama programme, have produced what is widely regarded as a clinically insignificant benefit with very high risk of adverse effects, including a small risk of death. Five people died as a consequence of the drug treatment in the last two trials, which is approximately one in 500. The British Medical Journal editorial concluded  ‘No clinically meaningful effect. 30% get brain bleeding or swelling. Two trial deaths under investigation.’ 

The ‘just’ statistically significant benefit, which got the drug its licence, was several times less than that reported in a comparative trial of omega-3 in those with low homocysteine (sufficient B vitamins) and the rate of brain shrinkage actually increased by 20% compared to a 73% reduction in a trial of homocysteine lowering B vitamins in those with sufficient omega-3 DHA in their blood (read more about that here.)

So, yes, test amyloid but no – there is not sufficient evidence that lowering it with anti-amyloid drugs is going to realistically make much difference.

The trouble with the anti-amyloid monthly injection (which costs circa £20,000 a year) is that each injection will need to be followed by an expensive brain scan precisely because of the risk of brain bleeding and swelling, experienced by a third in trials. That’s also why the BBC reported that Alzheimer’s Research UK has warned that the NHS is ‘not ready’ for new Alzheimer’s drugs Lecanemab and Donanemab. It’s not prepared for such a treatment rollout due to the benefit it delivers versus the cost of on going assessment. Together with the medical costs it will probably cost closer to £50,000 per year per person. 

While in contrast, £50,000 would fund 1,000 people follow our COGNITION programme for a year.

All eyes on p-tau lowering drugs…

With the failure of the amyloid hypothesis, all eyes are on p-tau lowering drugs. 

Yet none have worked. 

But, much like cholesterol for heart disease, the media messaging will be to test p-tau rather than prescribe a drug. The irony here is that a lack of B vitamins, or rather raised homocysteine (which you can test here), is well established to increase p-tau so the simplest way to stop the formation of p-tau, and neurofibrillary tangles, and keep your brain healthy, is to keep your plasma homocysteine level below 10mcmol/l. In addition, the fact that there is no solid evidence that lowering levels of p-tau or amyloid protein prevents dementia or slow down progression is why these are called ‘‘experimental blood tests” in the CNN coverage.

We have combined four tests (omega-3 index, vitamin D, HBA1c for sugar balance, homocysteine for B vitamins) that each have clear evidence that

a) good levels correlate with less risk
b) bringing blood test levels into the optimal range reduces risk. 

So we are ahead in that respect. This is the 4-in-1 DRIfT test which calculates a biological Dementia Risk Index. 

We want you to take this test, not only for your benefit but also, when we have enough results of tests and retests, together with FREE Cognitive Function Test results we can research the correlation to find out how your DRIfT score predicts cognitive function. 

Genetic Fears

The other issues raised are around genes that predict Alzheimer’s risk. 

There’s quite some confusion here which, if misunderstood, creates unnecessary fear. ‘Causative’ genes (APP and Presenelin) are very rare – less than 1 in 100. The Panorama programme included a younger person with this gene. Much more common is having the ApoE4 gene, which one in seven people have. This doesn’t cause Alzheimer’s. Technically, it increases risk by 4 to 6% but all the changes we recommend to your diet mitigate even this increased risk. That is why, in studies where people ate better or took the right supplements, there was no difference in the outcome of the individuals with or without the ApoE4 gene variant.

The bottom line is that almost no-one needs to develop dementia if they follow ‘optimum nutrition’ advice – diet, supplements and lifestyle and that is what we are here to do.

Food for the Brain is making prevention a reality.

Join us in our mission, research and reclaim your brain this year. The first things you want to do are:

  • Complete the FREE Cognitive Function Test. This is an online, validated assessment of your current cognitive function and your dementia risk. Over 400k have completed this test and upgraded their brain in the process.
  • Order your DRIfT test. These accurate, at-home blood tests are the perfect way to improve your brain health and reduce your risk.