The Lancet Report Omission! World Experts Criticise Latest Alzheimer Report

The recent Lancet dementia commission has ignored the best nutrition prevention evidence. (See the Lancet Commission Report here)

The Alzheimer’s Prevention Expert Group has accused the Lancet Commission of bad science for knowingly ignoring two highly effective and firmly evidence-based ways to reduce risk factors for dementia – high dose supplements of B vitamins and omega-3 fish oils as well as the impact of a low sugar diet. 

We support this group of eleven leading scientists and have called on the Lancet to revise their report, which hit the headlines in the past weeks, minimising the effectiveness of nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

(Click here to read the three letters sent to The Lancet asking for a revision in this report.)

The major benefit of B vitamins is their ability to lower levels of the damaging amino acid homocysteine, found in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. A comprehensive Chinese review of Alzheimer’s prevention research in 2020, described homocysteine lowering as ‘the most promising intervention for Alzheimer’s disease prevention’ (1).

Last month, a review in the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, listed reducing homocysteine among the top five evidence-based actions (2).  A US National Institutes of Health review attributes almost a quarter (22%) of the risk of Alzheimer’s to raised homocysteine and a further 22% to lack of seafood and omega-3 fish oils (3). 

The combination of high homocysteine, low omega-3 and vitamin D is present in the majority of those over 50 and quadruples dementia risk, according to research in Holland earlier this year, led by Professor Annick van Soest at Wageningen University (4). 

“Remarkably, a suboptimal status of all three nutrients was associated with a four-fold increased risk of dementia,” she says.  These common combined deficiencies, so easily corrected, could have a bigger impact on dementia risk than any of the 14 risk factors listed in the Lancet Commission’s report.

Yet, for the third time since the first Lancet Commission report in 2017, and despite being sent all the evidence, the report’s scientists, headed by Professor Gill Livingston, have ignored it. 

Instead, two far less significant risk factors have been added – cholesterol and cataracts. The report claims cataract surgery would eliminate a very modest 2% of overall risk. In stark contrast, reducing high homocysteine, which affects one in two of over 65 ‘s could potentially eliminate a quarter of all risk, “saving the UK economy approximately £60 million per year,” says Oxford University health economist, Professor Apostolos Tsiachristas.

Why has important science been missed out?

Asked why she continued to deny any benefit from homocysteine lowering, Professor Gill Livingston commented: “high homocysteine only affects a small number of people and there are no trials that show that lowering it has any benefit.” 

This is simply not true.

Studies in Holland (5), Norway (6), the UK (7) and China (8), have additionally reported a synergistic effect between B vitamins and omega-3, with several times better clinical benefit than any dementia drug. A study at Oxford University showed two thirds less brain shrinkage in those with mild cognitive impairment given B vitamins with sufficient omega-3 compared to placebo and one third of trial participants were clinically dementia-free at the end of one year (9). These studies were sent to Professor Gill Livingston in 2023.

The commission has also ignored studies showing a benefit from improving omega-3 status by eating fish or taking supplements. The Lancet Report cited only one study linking higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids with risk for dementia which concluded that this study provided “compelling evidence for a relationship between long-chain omega-3 fatty acids levels and lower risks for dementia and related outcomes .” 

Essentially, the same conclusions were reached by at least eight other similar studies. “Why were these studies ignored?” asked Professor William Harris of the Fatty Acid Research Institute, a leading omega-3 expert in the US. “The vast majority of adults in the western world have suboptimal blood omega-3 fatty acid levels. Increased consumption of marine omega-3 is safe, simple, cheap and effective.”   

By ignoring these well established, easy to change risk factors the Lancet Commission was able to reduce the claimed preventable risk to 45%, something that China’s leading prevention expert Professor Jin-Tai Yu of Fudan University in Shanghai strongly disputes. “It may be possible to prevent up to 80% of dementia cases if all known risk factors, including homocysteine lowering B vitamins and omega-3, found in oily fish, were targeted.” he says. 

He was co-author of a study in the journal Nature, together with Oxford University’s leading prevention expert Professor David Smith, analysing data from the UK BioBank which concluded that ‘up to 73% of dementia cases can be prevented.” However, even this may be an under-estimate as this study excluded blood test measures, says Professor David Smith. “This figure could be higher if a person’s omega-3 and B vitamin status, measured by a blood test for homocysteine, were taken into account.”

Homocysteine, omega-3 and vitamin D blood levels attribute 45% of modifiable risk to a deficiency of B vitamins and brain fats. 

The Lancet Omission – what can we do?

That is why we offer our free online Cognitive Function Test as well as at home, accurate pin prick blood tests – available internationally so you can use them to assess your future risk of dementia and crucially, how to reduce it. 

We are ‘citizen science’ in action and gathering independent research on the effectiveness of diet, supplements and lifestyle change that anyone can join. 

Simply put – the cultural bias against nutrition, demonstrated by the Lancet Commission’s omissions, isn’t science-based. 

And it certainly isn’t helping those at risk take easy, positive actions to reduce it.

Action steps

The next steps you need to take to reduce your risk:

1 Yu JT, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020 Nov;91(11):1201-1209
2 He S.-Y, et al. Prev Alzheimers Dis. 2024 Aug;11:917–927
3 Beydoun MA, et al. BMC Public Health. 2014 Jun 24;14:643
4 van Soest APM, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2021 Apr 6;113(4):801-809
5 van Soest APM, et al. Eur J Nutr. 2022 Jun;15:61 3731–3739
6 Jernerén F, et al. J Azheimers Dis. 2019;69(1):189-197
7 Oulhaj A, et al. J Alzheimers Dis. 2016;50(2):547-57
8 Li M, et al. Eur J Nutr. 2021 Jun;60(4):1795-1808
9 Jernerén F, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jul;102(1):215-21
10 Zhang Y, et al. Nature Human Behaviour. 2023;7:1185–1195