Last month’s newspaper headlines pitched the new anti-amyloid Alzheimer’s drug as a ‘turning point’. The pitch has a lot in common with the statin story.

Last month’s newspaper headlines pitched the new anti-amyloid Alzheimer’s drug as a ‘turning point’. (Read our response here) The pitch has a lot in common with the statin story.

Is high cholesterol the cause of heart disease? No. 

Do statins lower it? Yes.

Are amyloid deposits the cause of cognitive decline? No. 

Do anti-amyloid drugs lower it? Yes.

No doubt there will be a blood test soon for amyloid, just like a blood test for cholesterol, the effect of which pushed millions into taking statins.

Both statins, given to people with very high cholesterol, and anti-amyloid drugs, given to people with very high amyloid levels, do have marginal benefit but not enough to establish causation. In the case of the new Alzheimer’s drug, the benefit is considerably less than half that shown by the combination of B vitamins and omega-3. 

But, even more than statins, they come with a high risk of quite serious adverse effects – over a third in the recent trial got brain bleeding or swelling and three died. Also, the whole brain shrinkage accelerated by twenty percent compared to placebo, a fact not reported in any newspaper. Any vitamin showing such adverse effects would be immediately banned.

But the important question is: what’s causing these diseases, be it cognitive decline or heart disease? To the extent that cholesterol or amyloid is relevant, what makes them go up? Cholesterol gets damaged by sugar and oxidants and is protected by antioxidants such as vitamin C and a low-carb diet. Brain cells get damaged by homocysteine and are protected by B vitamins and omega-3.

Mind the gap 

Also, in those with cognitive decline, there’s an energy deficit in brain cells. Ironically, they can’t get the glucose they need due to ‘insulin resistance’ which is driven by eating too much sugar and ultra-processed carbs. So, the effect of too much sugar is to starve the brain of fuel which then leads to mental tiredness and cognitive decline. 

There is a way around this – and that is to give the brain an alternative fuel – ketones. 

Ketones can either be supplied as ketone salts or esters, both of which taste disgusting or made from a type of fat – principally C8 oil, which is a medium-chain triglyceride. About 7 percent of coconut oil is C8. Studies giving people with cognitive decline a C8-rich MCT oil have shown clear improvements in cognition by increasing the brain’s energy supply and production. Ripping out amyloid deposits isn’t going to fill this energy gap. Eating less carbs, reversing diabetes, which is a big risk factor for dementia, and having C8 oil will. Our podcast with Professor Stephen Cunnane, who heads the Brain Research Team at Sherbrooke University in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada and holds the clinical research chair in ketotherapeutics and on the Food for the Brain Scientific Advisory Board, discusses this area with Patrick Holford – listen to the podcast here.

Also, in those with cognitive decline, there’s an energy deficit in brain cells. Ironically, they can’t get the glucose they need due to ‘insulin resistance’ which is driven by eating too much sugar and ultra-processed carbs. So, the effect of too much sugar is to starve the brain of fuel which then leads to mental tiredness and cognitive decline. 

An increase in amyloid in the brain is really a consequence of the disease, not the cause. It’s part of an inflammatory reaction, much like the nodules in joints that occur from inflammation resulting in arthritis. Should you cut out the nodules or reduce inflammation? Do you eliminate the root cause or target the consequences? Inflammation is both a function of a bad diet high in ultra-processed and fried food, smoking, lack of antioxidants, omega-3 fats and vitamin C to name a few key nutrients. Having an active lifestyle is also important.

The same story exists with all major diseases. Cancer cells thrive on sugar. Do you starve them and in the process protect healthy cells, or cut or drug them out?

The big difference in approach – treat the cause or the consequences – is money.  You can’t patent nutrients, but you can patent drugs that stop you from making cholesterol or amyloid. More than $1 billion has been spent on the anti-amyloid approach and the push isn’t going to stop. Pharma needs a return on their investment. This latest drug treatment, according to the Financial Times, will be sold for $26,000 a year. Taking B vitamins, eating fish and/or supplementing omega-3, which has shown more clinical benefit and reduced the rate of brain shrinkage by over 70% with no side-effects – actually side-benefits – might cost £100 a year. Which would you choose?

Food for the Brain is a non-for-profit educational and research charity that offers a free Cognitive Function Test and assesses your Dementia Risk Index to be able to advise you on how to dementia-proof your diet and lifestyle.

By completing the Cognitive Function Test you are joining our grassroots research initiative to find out what really works for preventing cognitive decline. We share our ongoing research results with you to help you make brain-friendly choices.

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