We often get asked if supplements are necessary, usually in relation to some expert or opinion leader saying they are a waste of money or have no evidence of effect.

Anyone actively discouraging supplementation of vitamin B, C, D or omega-3, or claiming there is no scientific evidence to support their use, are both scientifically inaccurate and, perhaps inadvertently, driving more people towards dementia and Alzheimer’s by increasing their risk of cognitive decline. 

Here is why

B vitamin supplements – Two in five people over 60 in the UK and more than half in the US have raised homocysteine levels and accelerated brain shrinkage as a result and need to supplement high dose B12 (500mcg) to reduce the rate of brain shrinkage. This may be due to poor absorption and is not achievable by diet alone. Find out more about this here.

Omega-3 fish oil supplements – Those with higher omega-3 intake, both from food and supplements, have substantially reduced risk from UK BioBank data. Those with higher omega-3 index levels, which we test at Food for the Brain, have more brain mass, and even healthy, young people supplementing omega-3 have cognitive improvements. You can see the published scientific evidence for this here.

Vitamin D supplements – Those who have higher vitamin D levels or supplement vitamin D also have substantially reduced risk of cognitive decline. Find out more here but also we’ll be publishing a full report on vitamin D and dementia in the next two weeks.

Vitamin C and E supplements – according to the most comprehensive review of studies relating to Alzheimer’s prevention ‘‘either a high vitamin E or C intake showed a trend of attenuating risk by about 26 per cent’, making these nutrients ‘grade 1’ top level prevention’. Inadequate vitamin C status in otherwise healthy young adults is related to a low level of mental vitality. In a randomised controlled trial vitamin C supplementation effectively increased work motivation and attentional focus and contributed to better performance on cognitive tasks requiring sustained attention. These brain-friendly effects of vitamin C relate to the supplementation of 1 gram or more a day. See the scientific aevidence for antioxidants here.

In addition to exploring the links to the evidence above, these articles further explain the role of B vitamins, Omega-3, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, E and other antioxidants.

Other resources: 

So are supplements a waste of money?

At Food for the Brain, where prevention is better than cure, we report the science, based on the research, which tells us the opposite.