
Nutrition is key to the wellbeing of both mind and mood. If you are being impacted by
stress, we will identify any biochemical or physiological imbalances that may be affecting
you and how you feel. We will then use this information to work with you to create a tailor-
made plan to improve your mood and emotional stability, memory and mental
health — whatever your age.
Did you know: In 2018, stress in the UK accounted for 44% of all work-related ill-health
issues and 57% of all working days lost due to ill health. With workplace pressure on the
increase and an ever-growing tide of information hitting us hourly, a less than ideal diet and
poor sleep can have a significant, negative impact on the brain. The current Covid-19
pandemic may also be adding to stress factors in your life. Nutritional therapy, however, can
play a pivotal role in our physical resilience against stress, supporting our health so that we
are more able to meet everyday demands.