Fish & Memory (2014)

This study investigated fish & memory. In this study, 260 healthy people were assessed for their level of fish consumption, their cognitive function and also underwent an MRI to assess their brain volume twice with a 10-year interval. It was found that those who ate baked or grilled fish on a weekly basis had better cognitive function and better levels of grey matter in their brain.

Click here for abstract

Raji, C. A., Erickson, K. I., Lopez, O. L., Kuller, L. H., Gach, H. M., Thompson, P. M., Riverol, M., & Becker, J. T. (2014). Regular fish consumption and age-related brain gray matter loss. American journal of preventive medicine47(4), 444–451.


Further info

Homocysteine & Brain Atrophy (2002)

The study investigated homocysteine & brain atrophy. Through MRI examination of the brains of 36 healthy elderly individuals, results indicated that there appears to be an association between brain atrophy (shrinking) and higher levels of homocysteine. However, due to the small sample size further research is required to substantiate these findings further.

P S Sachdev et al., ‘Relationship between plasma homocysteine levels and brain atrophy in healthy elderly individuals’, Neurology, 58(10):1539-41, 2002

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Homocysteine associated with brain atrophy in the healthy elderly. Sachdev, Neurology, 58(10):1539-41, 2002

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Omega 3 & Bipolar (2006)

This paper investigated omega 3 & bipolar. In a 12-week, double-blind study individuals with bipolar depression received either 1 g of EPA a day, 2 g/day or placebo, alongside their existing medication. Effectiveness of this treatment was assessed using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), as well as the Young Mania Rating Scale and Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI). Significant improvement was seen with the EPA compared with placebo in the HRSD (P=0.04) and the CGI (P=0.004) scores. There was no apparent benefit of 2 g over 1 g dose. Both doses were well tolerated.

S Frangou et al., ‘Efficacy of ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid in bipolar depression: randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study’, Br J Psychiatry, 188:46-50, 2006

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Vitamin C & Cognition (2009)

This study investigated vitamin C & cognition. A new Danish animal study suggests that vitamin C deficiency in the first weeks and months of life may impair the development of neurones in the brain and decrease spatial memory.  Guinea pigs subjected to moderate vitamin C deficiency were found to have 30 per cent fewer hippocampal neurons and poorer spatial memory, compared with guinea pigs given a normal diet.  The Danish researchers used guinea pigs because, like humans, the animals cannot synthesise vitamin C, and can only obtain it via the diet.

“Although a direct extrapolation of this new phenomenon to humans is not currently possible, we found that the relatively high prevalence of vitamin C deficiency in humans, including infants and toddlers, warrants future clinical studies to clarify whether a similar link to brain development exists in humans,  …….. We speculate that the lack of vitamin C supplementation in high-risk individuals, such as pregnant women and newborns with poor vitamin C status, could be detrimental to normal brain development and lead to neurologic disabilities later in life.” wrote the researchers, led by Jens Lykkesfeldt, professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Copenhagen.

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Gluten, Dairy & Autism (2006)

This study investigated gluten, dairy & autism. The study reviewed seven trials of gluten/casein (cereal and milk protein) elimination diets in children with autism spectrum disorders. All trials reported some success in reducing symptoms of autism. However, the authors consider that design flaws in the studies weaken confidence in the findings and they make recommendations for future trials.

GW Christison, K Ivany, ‘Elimination diets in autism spectrum disorders: any wheat amidst the chaff?’, J Dev Behav Pediatr, vol 27(2 Suppl):S162-71, 2006.

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Homocysteine & Schizophrenia (2006)

This study investigated homocysteine & schizophrenia. Forty-two schizophrenic patients with elevated plasma homocysteine levels were administered vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid or placebo for 3 months. Homocysteine levels declined with vitamin therapy compared with placebo in all patients. Clinical symptoms of schizophrenia as measured by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale declined significantly with the vitamin treatment compared with placebo. The researchers concluded that a subgroup of schizophrenic patients with elevated homocysteine might benefit from the simple addition of B vitamins.

Click here for the abstract

Levine J et al, ‘Homocysteine-reducing strategies improve symptoms in chronic schizophrenic patients with hyperhomocysteinemia’, Biol Psychiatry., 60(3):265-9, 2006

Further info

Homocysteine & Cognition (2007)

This study evaluated the association between plasma homocysteine levels and cognition. The presence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in 1215 elderly subjects (aged 60-85years) from Korea was assessed. Individuals with MCI may be at an increased risk for developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Homocysteine levels, in addition to folate and vitamin B12 levels were measured in blood samples. The presence of MCI was assessed by an independent physician using Mayo clinic criteria which included: 1) memory complaint, preferably corroborated by an informant; 2) objective memory impairment for age; 3) largely preserved general cognition; 4) essentially normal activities of daily living; and 5) no dementia.

The results also showed that high homocysteine was associated with low blood folate or vitamin B12 levels suggesting that supplementation of these nutrients may be helpful in reducing elevated homocysteine levels.

The results found a strong association between increased plasma homocysteine levels and risk of MCI. The association appeared to be independent of other well-known risk factors for cognitive decline such as age, sex, education, smoking, marital status, and serum vitamin levels which suggests that hyperhomocysteinemia may be an independent risk factor for MCI in elderly Korean subjects.

Kim, J. et al., ‘Plasma Homocysteine Is Associated with the Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment in an Elderly Korean Population’, The Journal of Nutrition, 137 (9), 2093-2098, September 2007

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Folate, B12 & cognitive impairment (2007)

This study investigated folate, B12 & cognitive impairment. A high folic acid and B12 intake in the elderly may be protective against age-related memory decline. However, those with a high folic acid intake, from fortified food or supplements, but a low B-12 status have more memory decline and hence a greater risk for dementia. They are also at greater risk of anaemia. This research found that 4% of the elderly in the USA have high folate and low B12 status.

In seniors with low vitamin B-12 status, high serum folate was associated with anemia and cognitive impairment. When vitamin B-12 status was normal, however, high serum folate was associated with protection against cognitive impairment.

Click here for the abstract

M S Morris, ‘Folate and vitamin B-12 status in relation to anemia, macrocytosis, and cognitive impairment in older Americans in the age of folic acid fortification’, Am J Clin Nutr.85(1):193-200, 2007

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B12 & Cognition (2011)

This study investigated B12 & cognition.  This study compared markers of vitamin B12 deficiency with various measures of brain shrinkage (MRI scans) and function (neuropsychological test results) over a 5 year period.  Results indicated that Methylmalonate, a specific marker of B12 deficiency, may affect cognition by reducing total brain volume. However, the effect of homocysteine (nonspecific to vitamin B12 deficiency) on cognitive performance may be mediated through increased white matter hyperintensity and cerebral infarcts.

Tangney CC, Aggarwal NT, Li H, Wilson RS, DeCarli C, Evans DA, Morris MC (2011) Vitamin B12, cognition, and brain MRI measures – A cross-sectional examination. Neurology 77:1276-1282

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Homocysteine & Brain Shrinkage (2011)

This study investigated homocysteine & brain shrinkage. UCLA School of Medicine researchers inlcuding a sample of 732 elderly people subjected to MRI brain scans, found that those with raised homocysteine levels have greater brain shrinkage regardless of age and diagnosis. Among those with cognitive impairment, the greater the homocysteine level the greater was the brain atrophy. The authors state ‘ Vitamin B supplements such as folate may help prevent homocysteine-related atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease by possibly reducing homocysteine levels.’

Click here for the abstract

Rajagopalan, P., Hua, X., Toga, A. W., Jack, C. R., Jr, Weiner, M. W., & Thompson, P. M. (2011). Homocysteine effects on brain volumes mapped in 732 elderly individuals. Neuroreport22(8), 391–395.

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