Data Collection

Overview of Data Collection Methods

Cognitive Function Test

Our state-of-the-art Cognitive Function test is an online, interactive tool designed with touch-screen technology to accurately evaluate cognitive resilience. It focuses on the three pivotal functions most indicative of the journey toward cognitive decline and dementia: executive function, episodic memory, and attention. Food for the Brain offers this cutting-edge tool as a free service, allowing participants to reassess their cognitive health every six months. This frequent reassessment enables individuals to actively monitor and manage their cognitive well-being over time while assuring our research database is consistently up-to-date.

Diet and Lifestyle Questionnaire

A comprehensive online questionnaire on diet and lifestyle intake and patterns covering:

  • Personal information, including various demographics.
  • Cognitive Function: Evaluation of memory, attention, and cognitive ability.
  • Diet and nutrition: dietary and nutritional intake.
  • Vitamin Supplementation: Vitamin and supplement use.
  • Lifestyle and Behavioural Factors: Exercise, social engagement, alcohol and tobacco use.
  • Environmental factors: pollution, city life.
  • Health History: Health history includes past and current illnesses, current symptoms, and medication.
  • Family Medical History: Genetic risk factors.
  • Mental and Emotional Health: Mood and depression, emotional wellbeing.
  • Sleep Patterns and Quality: Sleep habits, disturbances, quality, excessive sleepiness.
  • Holistic health practices: Yoga, mindfulness, meditation.
  • Sensory Health: Hearing and vision.
  • Physical Activity: Walking habits, exercise routines, and physical activities of varying levels.
  • Dermatological and oral health: Skin, hair, gum disease.
  • Social factors: Social interactions, engagement, and support networks.
  • Quality of Life: Material, Purpose, Relationships.
Dementia Risk Index

Analysis to conclude an individual’s overall risk of dementia based on established risk factors at a top level and as per the following 8 domains:

  • Low Carbs and GL
  • Brain Fats
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamin B/Homocysteine
  • Active Body
  • Sleep/Calm
  • Active Mind
  • Healthy Gut
Blood tests and test analysis

Food for the Brain database includes unique biomarkers—Vitamin D, HbA1C, homocysteine, Omega-3 – areas crucial for brain function such as nutrient deficiencies, inflammation levels, and metabolic health. Meticulously selected for their proven impact on cognitive performance and decline, our robust testing methods allow us to offer insights critical to cognitive well-being. By focusing on these specific indicators, we not only distinguish ourselves in the field of cognitive health but also equip individuals with the precise tools needed for proactive cognitive care.

For researchers, access to the data on our collection of cognitive health biomarkers means tapping into a rich, distinctive source of information that can illuminate the path to ground-breaking findings and evidence-based recommendations. Our commitment to this niche area of study enriches the academic and clinical understanding of cognitive health. It fosters a collaborative environment where innovation begins, making our database an invaluable asset to the scientific community.