Cognitive Performance & Fish Intake (2007)

This study examined the relationship between cognitive performance & fish intake. The study included 2,031 elderly Norwegians. The researchers report those eating at least 10 grams of fish a day performed significantly better in tests for cognitive performance, compared with people who ate less than 10 grams of fish and fish products. The best test scores occurred in those who consumed the most fish and fish products, which equates to 75 grams per day. Positive effects were observed to be more pronounced in unprocessed fish compared with processed fish intake. Interestingly, there was no significant difference between the consumption of lean or fatty fish, suggesting that the effects were due to something other than omega-3 fatty acids. However, further research is required to explore this area further.

Click here for the abstract

Nurk E et al., ‘Cognitive performance among the elderly and dietary fish intake: the Hordaland Health Study’, Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Nov;86(5):1470-8