Learn how to quit without feeling s**t and the fast, highly effective way to end addiction to caffeine, sugar, cigarettes, alcohol, illicit or prescription drugs. 
Have you tried to give up alcohol or sugar only to be defeated by cravings, exhaustion, anxiety, mood swings, sleep problems, depression, shakiness or fatigue? Are thoughts of these symptoms preventing you from even attempting to quit? Or have you already quit but still have symptoms like these? 
Do you want to know why you became addicted in the first place? 
If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, this webinar for you. 

In this recorded webinar Patrick will explain explains how a fundamental imbalance in the brain’s chemistry underlies all chemical addictions, from caffeine to cocaine. However, the right combination of nutrients can restore this balance and help prevent abstinence symptoms, thus significantly improving the chances of quitting for good. 

Patrick shares and teach on what will allow you to quit your addiction – whether it is to caffeine, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, sleeping pills, antidepressants, tranquilisers, cocaine or cannabis – with very much reduced abstinence symptoms and without substituting one drug for another.

This new approach is fast and highly effective and will finally allow you to quit – and not feel s**t.

In this recorded webinar you will discover:

  • The 12 keys to ‘unaddict’ your brain so you don’t crave substances or feel lousy as you quit them
  • Specialist advice on how to how to reduce alcohol and other drug dependence,
  • The role GABA plays in this. 
  • How an imbalance in your brain’s chemistry underlies your addiction and what combination of nutrients can prevent or end withdrawal symptoms.


  • Sign up via the link below
  • You will then be emailed the link to the recording along with the password (make sure you enter the right address and check your spam folder.)
  • Suitable for the public and health practitioners
Get instant access to this webinar TODAY!

About Patrick Holford – CEO of Food for the Brain

Patrick Holford BSc, DipION, FBANT is the UK’s leading nutritionist and is the author of 30 books, translated into over 20 languages and selling over a million copies worldwide, including Optimum Nutrition Bible and Optimum Nutrition for the Mind. He is the CEO of the Food for the Brain Foundation and director of the Brain Bio Centre, the Foundation’s treatment centre, where a nutritional approach is used for people with ADHD, depression, schizophrenia and those recovering from addiction.