At Food for the Brain our Scientific Advisory Board calls on evidence from world leaders in Alzheimer’s dementia prevention. Our former Chair, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Oxford, authored a statement signed by 109 international experts from 36 countries, submitted to the G8 summit and published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease. They concluded that ‘about half of Alzheimer’s disease cases worldwide might be attributable to known risk factors. Taking immediate action on the known risk factors could perhaps prevent up to one-fifth of predicted new cases by 2025.’ 

This was based on the assumption that it is hard to change people’s diet and lifestyle.

Since then there have been 386 studies, 153 of which are randomized controlled trials, which also show what actions have the best evidence for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. This review, headed by Professor Jin-Tai Yu from the Department and Institute of Neurology in Shanghai’s Fudan University, was published in 2020. These two reviews show that the best evidence for the prevention of Alzheimer’s, which accounts for two thirds of all dementia, are by:

  • Controlling your weight
  • Lowering blood homocysteine with B vitamins
  • Controlling blood sugar and preventing diabetes which means a low sugar and low glycemic load diet
  • Achieving sufficient omega-3 fat intake, primarily from seafood
  • Eating a ‘Mediterranean’ diet with fruit, vegetables and vitamin C
  • Controlling your blood pressure, helped by all the above
  • Preventing depression, stress and a lack of sleep
  • Keeping physically, socially and intellectually active
  • Not smoking or drinking alcohol excessively.

Our commissioned research at the University College London on those taking the Cognitive Function Test shows that even those who indicated that they had circumstances which preventing them from making the suggested changes still made positive changes.

We use our ongoing research to learn how to get better at inspiring you to take the right prevention steps, one at a time. 

By taking the Cognitive Function Test you are helping us research what really works for Alzheimer’s prevention so we can share it with others. Your monthly donation as a Friend of Food for the Brain is how we fund this ongoing research and education. We have no commercial or conflicts of interest. We are a not-for-profit educational charity promoting mental health through optimum nutrition and lifestyle. Thank you for your support.