• Catering Accreditation

    Our catering accreditation is available to all food and catering service operators who want to highlight their commitment to preparing and serving food that supports mental wellbeing and brain health

We are changing minds through food and nutrition

Food for the Brain Accreditation is available to all food service operators and caterers who wish to develop progressive nutritional strategies or want to highlight excellent nutritional standards already in place.

The accreditation programme is focused on promoting the importance of nutrition for mental wellbeing and brain health. We believe that food service operators and caterers can play an important role in encouraging healthier food choices, which can immediately help improve focus, energy and mood, as well as support long-term mental and physical health.

In addition to accreditation, our team provides expertise in commercially viable approaches to encourage healthier eating including operational audits, action planning and menu redevelopment.

We can provide bespoke or standard training solutions to build nutritional knowledge and aid commercial implementation.

Commitment to Healthy Eating

Clearly illustrate your intent and ability to prepare
nutritious food that supports mental and physical health.

Support Improved Wellbeing and Productivity

Support improved wellbeing and potential increases in mood and productivity amongst your end-users.

Competitive Differentiation

Give a competitive edge to your organisation by
differentiating your catering strategy with commercially-viable solutions.

Recognition from Respected 3rd Party

Gain recognition from a respected third party for your
commitment to promoting healthy eating and choices.

Stage 1:


A collaborative review of current operations will be conducted including menus, ingredient selection and staff training. 

The outcome of the review will be a commentary on existing operations and a bespoke action plan.

Stage 2:

Implement Action Plan

Following the initial review, we will support you in implementing the action plan. We will also deliver staff training on the principles of nutrition for brain health and the purpose of accreditation.

Stage 3:

Accreditation Audit

The first audit will take place after the implementation of the action plan. This will become an annual audit carried out on your premises. A full report will be provided following the audit. 

Upon successful accreditation, a Communications Pack will be issued complete with promotional logos.

Find out more

Request your catering accreditation review today

Some of our clients

We have worked with the charity, Food for the Brain, for over 10 years as part of our Good Food Policy. They offer the only specific nutritionally focused award, carrying out annual assessment over a robust range of indicators and apart from the status of being a Food For the Brain University, we have found the process very beneficial in terms of examining how we develop our food offer.

  1. Ian Macauley, Assistant Director of Catering. The University of Edinburgh

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