We can spend a large proportion of our lives at work so workplace wellbeing is a key area for mental health. The Thriving at Work report published in 2017 focused on supporting Employees’ mental health and wellbeing. Since then, progress has been significant by many organisations. Proactive steps aimed at building personal resilience have been put in place. These include: flexible working options, improved work–life balance and training in coping techniques or mindfulness.
However, nutritional strategies are still rarely discussed. This is where we seek to fill the gap with our menu of educational offerings…

  • Workplace Wellbeing Programme

    Our nutrition and lifestyle seminars can enhance your Corporate Wellbeing programme. Equip your employees with strategies that support mental wellbeing and boost brain health.

We offer nutrition and lifestyle seminars on a variety of topics including:

– Food and Mood
– Tips to combat Stress, Fatigue and Burnout
– Nutrition to Optimise Cognitive Health
– Nutrition for Optimal Sleep

These can be delivered in person or remotely by webinar

“Thank for organising this event, it was very interesting to learn how our nutrition affects our brain and what we can do as an individual, to contribute.”

“Excellent overview. Great to hear about the work of the foundation and sign posting to further resources much appreciated”

“Clear and informative easy to follow slides.”

  1. Various Attendees, Allen & Overy Alumni event