Four Shocking Facts & Brain-enhancing Opportunities

A message from Patrick Holford, our CEO

Thanks to you, Food for the Brain has grown ten-fold in the last year, reaching another half a million people, with over 20,000 taking the Cognitive Function Test bringing the total to 420,000. In the last three months alone we’ve reached 2 million people and tested the cognitive function of a further 20,000.

Yet, every 3 seconds someone in the world is diagnosed with dementia – in the UK that’s 7 double decker buses worth of people every day. 

At the other end of the spectrum, special needs schools are bursting at the seams as autistic spectrum disorder diagnoses go through the roof. 

Thanks to generous donations from the Fieldrose Trust, Viridian and Heights, we’ve finally built our research database and are beginning to find some interesting things. 

Firstly, cognitive function declines, almost in a straight line, from age 18 to 90+. That’s a completely new discovery! Even 25 year olds have less cognitive function than 20 year olds. That’s why the earlier a person starts to make changes the greater are their chances of never developing dementia. You’ll be pleased to hear that the lower your Dementia Risk Index, calcuated from the COGNITION Questionnsaire you complete as part of the free online test, the better your cognitive function is and people making the changes recommended in the COGNITION programme can REVERSE cognitive decline.

Jan is a case in point. Like the ‘average’ person his cognitive function was declining year on year – until he joined COGNITION. 

Here’s what he says: ‘Food for the Brain’s COGNITION programme has really helped to focus my mind on key changes, a step at a time. Since following their advice, I’m delighted to report that my cognitive function, which was close to the red after 17 months of decline, has returned into the green, better than the average for my age. I had lost my job and my ability to have a productive life, even my ability to speak without long pauses, and any hope of recovery. Food for the Brain’s educational support through COGNITION has demonstrated the potential for recovery such that I now have confidence and increasing hope for the future. Food for the Brain has been my lifeline’. 

Smart Kids – the children are our future

Natalie Coghlan, now appointed as Head of COGNITION for Smart Kids & Teens, is applying everything we’ve learnt from adults to children and teens and is running a small pilot study on 5 to 17 year olds to find out what happens in early years, how we can measure it and – ultimately how we can help children and teens become more mentally and cognitively robust. Please watch this short film from Natalie.

We’ve raised about £5,000 to kick-start this project but need to raise a further £35,000 to see it through to completion. If we can do this, we hope to launch COGNITION for Smart Kids and teens early in 2025. 

That is where SPONSA DONNA comes in.

Donna Von Tunk is sailing around the world and partnering with us so she can raise awareness and funds for this important project. If, collectively, we raise £1 a mile we’ve done it. That means 100 people giving 1p a mile (£400).

Can you help?

>>> Please make a donation and SPONSA DONNA here,
>>> Become a FRIEND.

If you’d like to make a more significant donation please contact me at

The shocking fact

Now here’s a shocking fact – the Alzheimer’s Society have told us they don’t fund or focus on prevention. 

Nor do Dementia UK. They focus on supporting carers.

Alzheimer’s Research UK allocates less than 4% to non-drug prevention research, despite 80% of Alzheimer’s and dementia being preventable – and none of their current projects are interventions – to find out if a prevention action works for example.

I’m afraid to say it’s drugs all the way, with £5 million going into a study involving testing blood levels of p-tau in 5000 people as a predictor of cognitive decline. That’s £1,000 per person. 

Since testing cognitive function, which we do FOR FREE, is how you diagnose dementia, why not just do this? The most direct way to best predict who is heading for cognitive decline is to test cognitive function itself since it reduces many years before a diagnosis. £5 million would puts 100,000 people through our COGNITION programme helping them to actually dementia-proof their diet and lifestyle. The only logic for this p-tau test is to then say ‘you need the drug’ just as your cholesterol level became the proof that you need statins – which have not worked in any independent study that’s not funded and controlled by the drug makers.

Having failed to find a single UK charity who are taking prevention seriously it really is down to us to drive the prevention action forwards. 

Announcing the COGNITION Biobank project

You’ve probably heard of the UK Biobank. People like me, aged 40 to 69 back in 2006, gave blood, filled in questionnaires and did tests. We are all being tracked to see if we’ll develop dementia or other diseases. No-one is being retested.

Here, at Food for the Brain, we have the COGNITION Biobank. 

If you’ve taken the Cognitive Function Tests you’re part of it. To date we’ve tested 420,000 people AND we encourage you to retest cognitive function every six months or year. Also, we are now encouraging you to test blood levels of key biomarkers such as homocysteine. In this way you become a Citizen Scientist. The UK Biobank didn’t do this, so they never mention homocysteine-lowering B vitamins, which is ‘the most promising treatment’ according to the largest reviews of 396 trials on Alzheimer’s prevention. Also, we ask the right questions in our COGNITION questionnaire because, back in 2006, they didn’t really understand what was driving cognitive decline. 

We hope to have the largest Biobank, specific to cognition, tracking hundreds of thousands of people over time AND encouraging them to make changes by sharing back what works from this research. 

This is science for the people, by the people, funded by the people. 

On that note, we need to raise £1 million, £50,000 at a time to take this project global and big-scale. We are looking for impact investors, with at least £10,000 to invest, with a guaranteed return, much like an ISA. Wouldn’t you rather your invested money was saving people’s brains? Also, unlike other charities where, for every £10 given, £3 goes into fund-raising costs, at Food for the Brain 100% of what you donate goes directly into prevention research and education. We are lean and focused, all working virtually.

Our Head of Research and Principal Investigator is neuroscientist Dr Tommy Wood, Assistant Professor at the University of Washington. He’s a systems-based thinker and gave an amazing talk at our recent Upgrade Your Brain conference.

You can watch him in action here giving a stunning presentation on a systems-based approach to cognitive function. The diagram below is from his talk. We’ll be publishing a paper on this soon.

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Prevention is more effective & available right now 

Not only are literally no other charities taking prevention seriously, or keeping up to date with the evidence that is streaming in almost weekly, none have any comprehensive model as to how cognitive decline occurs and how to keep your brain healthy. 

Quoting Alzheimer’s Research UK, whose strapline is ‘we exist for a cure’ they say: “don’t smoke, keep cholesterol and blood pressure under control, be active daily and exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, eat a healthy balanced diet, drink fewer than 14 units of alcohol per week.” That’s it. Let’s face it – who didn’t know that? That’s not exactly going to reverse the dementia epidemic. 

Despite part funding the original Oxford trial on B vitamins, which showed up to 73% reduced rate of brain shrinkage, compared to approx. 20% increased brain shrinkage from the latest anti-amyloid drug treatment, their Chief Medical Officer Dr Peter Schott says: “Dietary supplements are big business, and plenty of websites sell vitamins on the promise of boosting brain health. But supplements are only recommended for people with a diagnosed deficiency, and should be taken with a doctor’s support.” 

What on earth does he mean by ‘diagnosed deficiency’? He ignores the fact that about half those over 65 are deficient, indicated by a homocysteine level above 11 mcmol/l. How many doctors even know that, let alone are testing for it? Some test serum B12 but, in the UK, the reference range for this is wrong. In the EU, Japan and Canada if your level is below 500pg/ml you’re deficient. This is correct. In the UK the cut-off level is 180pg/ml. This is wrong. Brain shrinkage is happening below 500 pg/ml. Homocysteine is the most important and predictive test which is why we test it as part of our research. It’s included in the DRIfT test and can be tested on its own – see Lowering high homocysteine with a 10p a day B vitamin is the single most effective, and cost-effective, prevention action anyone can take. We had it costed by Oxford University’s health economist and found that just this would save £65 million a year in the UK. The next best evidence-based prevention action is to up your omega-3 level (test your omega-3 index here)] to find out how you are doing) and eat a lower carb and low GL diet (glycaemic load goes further than the glycaemic index as it takes into account the portion size of the food). 

Now that would make a difference.


Having helped shape Food for the Brain’s strategy, and helped it grow exponentially, I need to focus on getting the word out there – teaching as many people, public and practitioners, as possible, getting media coverage, helping spread the word. That’s what I’m good at. In September we launch in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In November we launch in Japan and China, thanks to generous donations, and I’m going out there to launch the Cognitive Function Test, teach and spread the word. Next we seek donations to translate all this into Spanish and Portugese.

So now we really need a good leader and team player who knows how to get things done, working with our brilliant, highly functional small-but-mighty team. This is a part-time, paid position, with the potential to grow full-time as the charity expands. If you think you might have what it takes and have the combined skills of marketing and operations, digital development and are also able to lead and represent the charity with my full support, plus a background and passion for nutrition and mental health, get in touch by sending your CV to me at

Wishing you the best of health and happiness,

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