Dementia & Alzheimer’s (2007)

This study investigated dementia & Alzheimer’s. Over 8000 over-65s were monitored for development of dementia and Alzheimer’s over a 4 year period and details of their dietary habits were analysed. Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables was found to be associated with a decreased risk of all types of dementia. Weekly consumption of fish was also associated with a decreased risk of all dementias and Alzheimer’s Disease but only amongst those people who do not have the genetic variation called ApoE4. The regular use of omega-3 supplements was associated with a slight decreased risk of all dementias. However, the regular use of omega-6 supplements, where it was not balanced with the use of omega-3 supplements or fish, actually doubled the risk developing dementia amongst those who do not have the ApoE4 gene. In summary, frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables, fish, and omega-3 rich oils may decrease the risk of dementia and Alzheimer disease, especially among ApoE4 non-carriers. In addition, balance of the omega 3:6 ratio may also be an integral risk factor, although further research is warranted.

Gateau P et al.,’Dietary patterns and risk of dementia: The Three-City cohort study, Barberger’.  Neurology. 2007 Nov 13;69(20):1921-30

Click here for the abstract