I’ve got my husband back from dementia

Nodge and Dorothy talk to our founder, Patrick Holford. Listen to the interview

Last December my husband, Nodge, was diagnosed with mixed dementia (vascular and Alzheimer’s). He constantly lost his keys, wallet and glasses. He asked the same question and told the same stories repeatedly.  He couldn’t remember where he lived. He’d even got lost on the way to the toilet in the night. He couldn’t join conversations because he couldn’t follow them. He was unable to drive because he couldn’t think about more than one thing at once. There were lots of signs of dementia.

At the Memory Clinic we had wanted to discuss a prevention programme but instead were given a virtual pat on the head and a pile of depressing leaflets about where to go for support.  There was no hint of hope.

We went to the Alzheimer’s prevention charity Foodforthebrain.org and watched a 4 hour ‘masterclass’ by some of the world’s leading prevention professors. It was mind-blowing. Nodge did their free on-line Cognitive Function Test, and questionnaire which works out your Dementia Risk Index and educates and motivates you to take actions consistent with reducing your risk. His score was 56% – it should be zero.

The test not only measures your actual cognitive function but shows you what is driving your risk across eight domains.

We were both horrified at the yellow and amber results and decided to act immediately to rectify each area as recommended by the COGNITION ‘brain upgrade’ programme that sends you emails to read, things to watch and actions to take. Now there are zoom groups and text reminders.

In just three months the change has been remarkable. We both feel better. Our moods are better, our energy is better. Honestly, I feel like I’ve got my husband back. I am so grateful to Food for the Brain.

Nodge has just repeated the online test at foodforthebrain.org. In just three months his cognitive function has improved dramatically, more than doubling his score and his Dementia Risk Index has fallen from 56% to 43%. While before he had four out of eight domains showing red flags he’s now only got two just below green – active mind and body – but he’s working on them.

He’s joining conversations, organising his own diary and he uses his computer without help, He’s taken himself back to Morris Dancing practice, as well as a Dementia support group so he can show them, over time, his recovery.

Nodge is also back in the garden. “I had completely forgotten how to garden, apart from making compost which I’m an expert at.” says Nodge  “I had allotments for over 35 years so it was a shock.. Since I’ve been following the COGNITION programme I’ve had the seeds out, got the pots ready for planting and planned when and where things should go.”

“We couldn’t discuss plans for the week or for holidays without me getting muddled and cross because I couldn’t hold the idea of something in the future in my head. Now my brain is functioning better we can, once again, plan together. It’s been really exciting. We’re looking forward to getting increased improvements.”

Now we know Dementia is preventable, I’m sticking to the programme too. We look forward to a healthy old age together – sound of mind and fit of body!

Dorothy & Nodge, Worthing

Food for the Brain is a non-for-profit educational and research charity that offers a free Cognitive Function Test and assesses your Dementia Risk Index to be able to advise you on how to dementia-proof your diet and lifestyle.

By completing the Cognitive Function Test you are joining our grassroots research initiative to find out what really works for preventing cognitive decline. We share our ongoing research results with you to help you make brain-friendly choices.

Please support our research by becoming a Friend of Food for the Brain.