If you set your mind to a target, such as dementia-proofing yourself, anything is possible. 

Drew is a perfect example.

He is the architect behind COGNITION, and his son Alex, does all our design. Drew decided he wanted to swim the channel and even though it was a daunting, huge task, he did it! 

Watch this inspiring 5-minute film made by his daughter of what is an amazing achievement and know that even if taking the Cognitive Function Test or doing our at-home blood tests and working on your brain health feels scary or off-putting – anything is possible.

You can reclaim your brain…and swim the channel if you really want to!

Buy Blood test here button.
We hope it inspires you to go for it, whatever it is. 

Here at Food for the Brain, we are shooting for millions of people learning how to never get Alzheimer’s. 

That’s the channel we are swimming and we appreciate your support. 

How you can help? 

1. Do the Cognitive Function Test (and then redoing it every six or 12 months)

2. Taking a test such as vitamin D, omega-3 and HbA1c, are not only finding out the ’truth’ about where your body and brain are at, giving you a target to aim for (that are easier than swimming the channel), but you are also helping us research what drives cognitive decline and how to prevent it. 

3. We are an independent charity so rely on donations to continue our research and work. Whatever you can donate helps us move forward. Patrick and Drew, together with Professor Julia Ruckledge are now working on COGNITION for Smart Kids because, after all, the future depends on them. Donate here.

Test Your Cognitive Function Now green banner.