The Mood & Brain Boost: 7 Ways to Ditch the Seasonal Slump

How can we lift our mood and nourish our brain? 

Depression, now the leading cause of disability globally, affects millions. According to the World Health Organization, it represents a significant disease burden, particularly in high-income countries (1). With a staggering 100 million antidepressant prescriptions issued annually—a 70% increase in five years—it’s clear that something is going wrong in our modern western world (1).

Thankfully, nutrition and lifestyle changes provide science-backed ways to boost our mood naturally.

(If you want to know more about how to overcome depression then make sure you watch our webinar ‘Finding your way out of depression’).

Understanding Depression

Depression manifests through persistent feelings of hopelessness, low energy, disrupted sleep, and even physical changes such as weight loss or gain (2). The root causes can be multifactorial—psychological stress, biochemical imbalances, or nutritional deficiencies.

But here’s the good news: you can take simple, practical steps to nourish your brain, boost serotonin, and improve your mood naturally.

7 Ways to Boost Mood and Brain Function
1. Increase Your Omega-3 Fats

Your brain is 60% fat, and omega-3 DHA and EPA are critical for its structure and function. Countries with high fish consumption have lower depression rates. A study from Harvard Medical School found that EPA, specifically, has potent antidepressant effects.

A meta-analysis published in Psychopharmacology Bulletin found that higher omega-3 intake reduces depressive symptoms by 53%. Omega-3 helps build brain cell membranes and boosts serotonin receptor function, which improves mood and cognition.

  • What to do: Eat oily fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel at least twice a week or supplement with high-dose omega-3 fish oil. Aim for 1,000–2,000 mg of EPA and DHA combined daily (4, 5, 6).

2. Optimise Your B Vitamins and Lower Homocysteine

The little-known amino acid, homocysteine, may double your risk for depression if levels are elevated. This toxic by-product accumulates when you’re deficient in B6, B12, and folic acid, impairing brain chemistry. 

Studies by Professor David Smith from Oxford show that lowering homocysteine can dramatically slow brain shrinkage and improve mood. Which is why we now offer at home homocysteine test kits so you can monitor your own level and prevent disease (7,8,9).

  • What to do: Eat leafy greens, whole grains, and fortified foods. Test your homocysteine and aim for levels below 7 μmol/L. Supplement with a methylated B complex (20 mg B6, 500 μg B12, and 400 μg methylfolate).

“B vitamins are brain-makers; without them, key neurotransmitters like serotonin can’t be synthesised” – Patrick Holford, Upgrade Your Brain.

3. Fuel Your Brain with Serotonin Precursors

Serotonin, your “happy hormone”, is made from tryptophan, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods like fish, poultry, beans, and eggs. For some, tryptophan conversion to serotonin is impaired due to poor digestion or low stomach acid, common with age and stress.

Supplementing with 5-HTP can bypass these barriers. Clinical studies show 5-HTP compares favourably with SSRIs in treating depression (10, 11, 12, 13).

  • What to do: Include tryptophan-rich foods daily and consider a 5-HTP supplement (100–200 mg twice daily). Always consult your doctor if combining with antidepressants.
4. Balance Your Blood Sugar

Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is essential for mood regulation, as uneven glucose supply to the brain can lead to irritability, fatigue, and depressive symptoms. Diets high in refined carbohydrates and sugar contribute to these fluctuations and are linked to poor mood and an increased risk of depression. A study of 3,456 adults found that individuals consuming diets rich in processed foods had a 58% greater risk of depression, whereas those eating whole foods experienced a 26% reduced risk (14, 14, 16).

 Refined sugars also deplete mood-enhancing nutrients like B vitamins, essential for energy production, and divert chromium, which is vital for glucose regulation. Adopting a low glycaemic load (GL) diet, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and focusing on whole foods, fruits, and vegetables can help stabilise blood sugar levels and improve mood.

  • What to do: Follow a Low-GL diet with whole foods, low-GL carbs, and protein at every meal. Avoid sugar, caffeine, and alcohol .

5. Boost Your Vitamin D Levels

The “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D, is essential for mood regulation. Research shows a 40% lower incidence of depression in those with adequate vitamin D. Alarmingly, over 60% of the UK population is deficient during winter (17, 18, 19, 20).

  • What to do: Get tested and aim for levels above 75 nmol/L. Supplement with 2,000–3,000 IU daily in winter months.

6. Include Chromium to Combat Atypical Depression

If you suffer from atypical depression—characterised by weight gain, fatigue, and carbohydrate cravings—you might benefit from chromium. Studies show chromium supplementation can improve mood scores by up to 83% (21, 22, 23).

  • What to do: Include whole grains and vegetables or supplement with 600 mcg of chromium picolinate daily.

7. Bring on the Sunshine and Movement

Exercise and sunlight have a direct effect on serotonin levels and mood. Regular exercise boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which helps build new brain cells and connections】.

  • What to do: Aim for 30 minutes of exercise daily and sun exposure for 15 minutes, when safe.
Key Action Plan
  1. Eat oily fish twice weekly or supplement omega-3s with at least 1,000 mg EPA and DHA.
  2. Test and lower homocysteine with B6, B12, and folic acid supplements.
  3. Try 5-HTP to boost serotonin naturally.
  4. Follow a Low-GL diet to stabilise blood sugar.
  5. Supplement vitamin D during winter. Find out more about dose here.
  6. Add chromium for atypical depression.
  7. Exercise regularly and get sensible sun exposure.


  1. World Health Organization. Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates. WHO; 2017.
  2. Brown G, et al. Social support, self-esteem and depression. Psychol Med. 1986;16(4):813-31.
  3. Hibbeln JR. ‘Fish consumption and major depression’. Lancet, vol 351(9110), pp. 1213 (1998)
  4. M. Peet and R, Stokes, Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Drugs, vol 65(8), pp. 1051-9 (2005)
  5. S Kraguljac NV, Montori VM, Pavuluri M, Chai HS, Wilson BS, Unal SS (2009) Efficacy of omega-3 Fatty acids in mood disorders – a systematic review and metaanalysis. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 42(3):39-54
  6. Hibbeln JR. Fish consumption and major depression. Lancet. 1998;351(9110):1213.
  7. Coppen A, Bailey J. Folic acid and affective disorders. J Affect Disord. 2000;60(2):121-30.
  8. Taylor MJ, Carney SM, Goodwin GM, Geddes JR. Folate for depressive disorders. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(2):CD003390.
  9. Smith AD, Refsum H. Homocysteine, B vitamins, and cognitive impairment. Annu Rev Nutr. 2016;36:211-39.
  10. Poldinger W et al. A comparison of 5-hydroxytryptophan and fluvoxamine. Psychopathology. 1991;24(2):53-81.
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  12. W. Poldinger et al. A functional-dimensional approach to depression: serotonin deficiency and target syndrome in a comparison of 5-hydroxytryptophan and fluvoxamine, Psychopathology vol 24(2), pp. 53-81 (1991)
  13. Associate editor: K.A. Neve ‘Serotonin a la carte: Supplementation with the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan’ ErickH. Turner a,c,d,*, Jennifer M. Loftis a,b,c, AaronD. Blackwell a,b,e Pharmacology & Therapeutics(2005)
  14. Akbaraly TN, Brunner EJ, Ferrie JE, et al. Dietary pattern and depressive symptoms in middle age. Br J Psychiatry. 2009;195:408–13.
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  17. Lansdowne AT, Provost SC (1998): Demonstrates that vitamin D3 supplementation enhances mood in healthy subjects during winter.
  18. C. Wilkins et al. (2006): Links vitamin D deficiency to low mood and poorer cognitive performance in older adults.
  19. A. Nanri et al. (2009): Discusses the association between vitamin D levels and depressive symptoms across seasonal changes.
  20. R. Jorde et al. (2008): Shows that vitamin D supplementation alleviates depressive symptoms in overweight and obese individuals
  21. Lifting Depression – The Chromium Connection by Dr Malcolm McLeod (Basic Health Publications):
  22. J. R. Davidson et al, Effectiveness of chromium in atypical depression: a placebo-controlled trial, Biol Psychiatry, vol 53(3), pp. 261-4 (2003)
  23. Docherty, J et al, ‘A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Exploratory Trial of Chromium Picolinate in Atypical Depression’. Journal of Psychiatric Practice. Vol 11(5), pp. 302-314, (2005)
  24. Holford P. Upgrade Your Brain. HarperCollins; 2024.