Today marks the halfway point for 28 Upgrade Your Brain events in Ireland and the UK and it has been a delight to meet mothers, daughters, fathers and sons sharing their hopes, struggles and stories of transformation, joining the mission to save as many brains as possible from unnecessary mental illness. 

Here are a few recent sharings. Please encourage all your friends and family to attend the remaining seminars (book your tickets here) and – if not near you – come to the webinar on June 5th – book your virtual ticket here.

We’ve received many requests for more seminars in the North (and in Wales) so I’m cooking up a tour in late October of Wrexham, Leeds, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Maybe Manchester if anyone on the ground invites me. Then we’re off to China and Japan!

The Music…

Some have asked to hear the songs, my HeartStuff playlist on Spotify that I’ve been playing before and after the seminars, and on the road, as we drive through the early hours, over mountains and rolling hills, by the water, crossing bridges in the early morning mist and driving rain. (What a magnificent green world this is!)

The Poems…

Also, some have asked for poems such as Ignosis, Demented, The Beach and The Cat Who got Corona from her Owner.  Read the poem here.

And you can watch the Fight the Flour rap below.

The Supplements

For those wanting to upgrade their brains with omega-3, homocysteine lowering B vitamins , phospholipids, antioxidants and C8 oil these links give you the products we’ve found that fit the bill in terms of delivering the right amounts.

Looking forward to meeting you down the road in June. Then we’re off to America and Canada in July. Get your tickets here.

A big thank you!

A big thanks to Viridian who are spreading the word to all health food stores, Ros at, you and all the local health food stores (too many to mention) for helping spread the word. 

Also thanks to:

For helping to spread the word to your people and practitioners. 

As Dr David Perlmutter says “You are the architect of your brain’s destiny.” 

Make it a good one! No need for this dementia devastation.