The Upgrade Your Brain Conference was a legendary event!

A few weeks ago we co-hosted a truly epic event – the Upgrade Your Brain Conference.

We aimed to bring world experts and healthcare professionals together to address the mental health crisis we are facing…and we did just that.

Hundreds of people from across the world joined together to learn, discuss and share research on what we CAN do to prevent and shift the (depressing) trajectory of decline. When we come together things can change, not just for adults but for children and future generations to come.

The variety and depth of information was excellent, and to see so many people coming together and the variety of tools available to help create this change in mental health was inspiring and hopeful.

If you have ever felt confused by all the ‘pieces’ that play a role in brain health this event will bring more clarity and help you know what to focus on in your own life or with your clients.

Takeaways and what you can expect to learn:
  • Why amyloid is a consequence NOT a cause.
  • The role of a ketogenic diet in depression, bipolar and cognitive decline with Dr Georgia Ede and why the Mediterranean diet is not the ‘perfect’ diet.
  • Debate on how healthy legumes are, should we promote fish more than meat and intermittent fasting
  • Victoria Sampson discusses the oral microbiome and how gum disease can increase risk of Alzheimer’s by up to 70%…plus some debate around fluoride and what toothpaste we need to be using!
  • The link between fluoride mouthwashes and Alzheimer’s with Dr David Perlmutter
  • Tommy Wood brilliantly explained how so many of these things fit together in terms of structure, supply, utilisation.
  • Robert Lustig on fructose and its impact on the brain.
  • Why is it not just about omega 3 or B Vitamins – but rather how they all work together. (Omega 3 being the metaphorical plank of wood, the ‘nail’ being phospholipids and the hammer is the B-vitamins that do methylation.)
  • Polyphenols and fibre with Dr Christina Singer and the impact on brain health and learning.
  • Why we are underestimating the power of prevention and the power we have through the food we eat.
  • An indepth look at the four horsemen of the mental health apocalypse with Patrick Holford.
  • Why we should all be eating more caviar and oysters.
  • Dr Bill Harris on why cholesterol levels that are too low can be problematic for the brain, along with the importance of DHA fatty acids.
  • Plus SO much more

Change is happening and as healthcare professionals and active members of the public, we must be equipped with the tools and research we need to make an impact. Every brain matters!

We want as many practitioners and interested members of the public to see this conference as possible so we have made the replays available for purchase at a special discounted rate for the next month.

What an amazing day it has been! Louise – practitioner.