By Professor Michael Crawford

The brain of H. sapiens evolved from a chimpanzee cranial capacity of 340cc to the peak of 1,500 to 1,700cc about 28,000 – 32,000 years ago. That encephalization was powered by the epigenetic force of wild foods, in which marine foods would have been essential to provide omega 3 DHA, and trace elements including iodine, essential for brain growth, function and maintenance. (Encephalization is an evolutionary increase in the complexity or relative size of the brain, involving a shift of function from non-cortical parts of the brain to the cortex.) The brain evolved in the sea some 500 million years ago using such nutrients and science shows they are still required today.

In recent times, the brain has been shrinking, likely due to the increasing reliance on intensively produced land foods and the decline in fish and seafoods.  

Since 1950 there has been a 40% per capita decrease in fish landings in the UK and a decline in the fishing communities and ports.  At the same time, there has been a decline in average IQs and an escalation of mental ill-health. Just recently the Children’s Society declared that there had been a 3-fold increase in hospital referrals for mental ill-health in children in the last 3 years. In March 2023, the Federation of European Neuroscientists declared that brain health was now a global emergency. 

The continued shrinking of the brain and escalation of mental ill health can only end in disaster. 

How do you know if you are eating enough seafood? Check your omega-3 levels! Buy youR 4 in 1 DRIft at home test kit here OR buy the single omega-3 test kit here.

The solution lies in the restoration of destroyed sea beds with marine pastures, planting of kelp forests, farming of shellfish and the planting of artificial reefs to provide surfaces for marine flora to flourish and as with the seagrass, enhance the natural productivity. 

At the same time this solution of marine enhancement fixes CO2. This has been done in Japan, starting in 1991. It is also being started in many other places including Scotland, Korea, Oman, Saudi, Australia, and in the US.  It now needs to be escalated with energy which could create a new industrial revolution and a sea change in nutrition and brain health. It is all in our book, The Shrinking Brain by Crawford and Marsh, just published.

Totally essential for everyone to see

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