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Thursday, April 24th 2025. Online.
Join us and learn from world-class experts about the essential tools needed to empower the next generation of Smart Kids & Teens.
In recent years the number of children diagnosed with learning, behavioural and mental health problems has escalated.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders have rocketed in both the UK and USA.
One in six children in the USA is classified as neurodivergent and one in 36 as autistic – a fourfold increase in 20 years.
This crisis is not just ‘in the genes’—something is happening to our children’s brains. Join us at Smart Kids Conference to uncover the truth, explore the latest research, and discover real solutions to support children’s brain health.
Dr Lorene Amet
Natalie Coghlan
Professor Michael Crawford
Assistant Professor Chris D’Adamo
Dr John Gannage
Patrick Holford
Dr Karen Jensen, ND
Professor Robert Lustig
Dr Alex Richardson
Professor Julia Rucklidge
Rona Tutt OBE
Assistant Professor Tommy Wood
Thursday April 24th 2025.
– 9:00 Dr Rona Tutt OBE–Neurodivergence: Don’t normalise it, optimise it
– 9:10 Associate Professor Tommy Wood – Systems-based model for smart kids
– 9:15 Professor Michael Crawford – The Global Emergency in Mental Health
– 9:45 Professor Julia Rucklidge – The Essential Role of Nutrition for Children’s Mental Health
– 10:15 Associate Professor Michelle Murphy – Pregnancy Methyl Donor Nutrients, Homocysteine and Child Health
11:15 Alex Richardson–Diagnosing and resolving ADHD and overlapping conditions
11:50 Dr Rob Lustig – Are our children being fructed? The brain dangers of excess fructose
12:30 Natalie Coghlan & Karen Jensen ND – How to train your dragon (and their parents)
1:00-1:45-LUNCH BREAK
1:45 Assistant Professor Chris D’Adamo – Can Autism be Reversed?
2:20 Dr Lorene Amet – Autism: The Gene vs Environment
2:55 Dr John Gannage – The Role of Anti-nutrients and Detoxification in Neurodivergence
3:45 Karen Jensen ND–Gut feelings: The Gut-Brain Superhighway
4:20 Dr Tommy Wood–Active Mind and Active Body: Smart Kids Essentials
4:30 Jonathan Haidt- The Anxious Generation – Rolling Back Phone-Based Childhood
5:25 Children are our Future–Round-up and closing words from Patrick Holford, Founder
5:45 End
LIVE ongoing online Q&As and discussions with all the speakers
This conference is designed for health professionals – nutritional therapists, nutritionists, dieticians, doctors, psychologists, teachers and parents involved in education.
All proceeds go to our Smart Kids & Teens Programme – because together we can create change for our young people!
Pricing (a donation to Smart Kids & Teens)
This groundbreaking conference brings together leading experts in medicine, environmental science, nutrition, psychology, and neuroscience.
Teaching your the key key nutritional and environmental research so you can help children build lasting mental resilience and practice in your field with confidence.
About Smart Kids
It coincides with the launch of COGNITION for Smart Kids and Teens, a global project which empowers parents to help their children and teenagers unlock their full potential for emotional, mental, and cognitive well-being.
All proceeds go towards the COGNITION for Smart Kids and Teens, to help reach parents and their children and teenagers around the world. The Cognitive Function Test, which also includes the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and our comprehensive COGNITION questionnaire provides a free assessment and guidance to all.
All proceeds go to our Smart Kids & Teens Programme – because together we can create change for our young people!