Upgrade Your Brain – Webinar


Watch this instant access replay of the Upgrade Your Brain Webinar!

After 45 years of research Patrick Holford, founder of the charitable foodforthebrain.org, has the answers and wants to show you how to:

  • Improve your mood and get a good night’s sleep
  • Deprogram anxiety and build stress resilience
  • Free your brain from addiction (including sugar, alcohol and coffee)
  • Recover your memory and rebuild the brain’s connections
  • Build healthy young brains to prevent neurodivergence

In this 2-hour webinar recording, he shows what the experts have discovered and how to break free from all these and other mental health problems with practical and doable changes to your nutrition, lifestyle and mind.


This is a joint webinar with HOLFORDirect.

  • This is a webinar co-hosted with Holford Direct. Name and emails will be shared with both Food for the Brain & Holford Direct. You can unsubscribe at any time and your data will be private and not shared with additional parties.

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