Glutathione Index

£69.00 or subscribe and save up to 6%


The Glutathione Index measures the ratio between your “fully-loaded” glutathione and “spent” or oxidised glutathione in red blood cells.  This is the best measure of your antioxidant potential which indicates your ability to neutralise harmful oxidants created both by your body and brain’s metabolism, and from smoking and pollution.

It is not possible to accurately predict your antioxidant potential just from the food you eat.  The variation in antioxidants in, for example, a carrot is 40-fold.  While eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is a good maxim, whether or not you are achieving the optimal antioxidant protection from your diet and/or supplements, such as vitamin C, is reflected by your Glutathione Index.  The interpretation of your result enables you to take action to optimise your anti-aging antioxidant potential.

A desirable level is above 500.  Below 400 is an indicator that you need to increase your intake of antioxidants from food and/or supplements, and/or reduce your intake of oxidants from smoking, pollution or fried food.  Glutathione is related to the pace of aging and the activity of antioxidant enzymes which are depleted in those with cognition decline.  It is also part of your DRIfT (Dementia Risk Index functional Test) score.

How the test works

PLEASE NOTE The test requires a fasted blood sample.  Perform the test first thing in the morning after 12 hours of fasting i.e. no food or drinks. Also, refrain from smoking at least 2, if not 12 hours before the test.

Watch the test kit instruction video here.

This test is part of our Citizen Science research. Your results from this test will be anonymised and added to the COGNITION Biobank and contribute to our independent research.

For more information read the FAQs here.

Email with any questions you have.


385 in stock

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What’s in the kit?

Enrollment with the purchase of a Glutathione Index blood spot test kit includes:

  • 2-3 lancets
  • Blood spot card(s) for the tests ordered
  • 1 envelope for returning your blood spot card
  • 1 gauze pad, 1 band aid, and 1 alcohol swab

When you order your kit, you will also be participating as a citizen scientist in the world’s most comprehensive Alzheimer’s prevention project. You will be invited to retest your Cognitive Function every six months, and encouraged to reduce your Dementia Risk Index by joining COGNITION, the ‘brain upgrade’ program. This takes you through a six month cycle to motivate simple diet and lifestyle changes to reduce your Dementia Risk Index.

You may choose to retest every 3 months, 6 months or year and, can, at anytime, change your order. For example, if you bring one test into the ‘green’ on the DRIfT section of your DASHBOARD you may only wish to retest other important biochemical markers. If you have selected a retest option we’ll remind you.

Included in the Glutathione Index test kit is:

  • 2 lancets
  • 1 Glutathione Index blood spot card
  • 1 envelope for returning the card
  • 1 gauze pad, 1 band aid, and 1 alcohol swab

Your data

Your data from this test will be fully anonymised and securely stored in our research database, meeting HIPAA and GDPR standards.  By participating, you’re joining a global effort to advance independent research on brain health. Thank you for contributing to this important work.

Each test ordered is also a donation to our charitable research and education – thank you!

Additional information

Weight 50 g
Dimensions 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 cm